The getRotation
method makes a request of the EarthScope rotation
web service and returns a list of 3 Stream
getRotation(obj, network, station, location, channelSet,
starttime, endtime, processing)
A list of three Stream
objects is returned.
character string with the two letter seismic network code
character string with the station code
character string with the location code
the first two characters of the selected source channels
POSIXct class specifying the starttime (GMT)
POSIXct class specifying the endtime (GMT)
optional character string with processing commands
Jonathan Callahan
The rotation
web service returns a triplet of seismic Streams, rotated according
to the processing commands.
If the location argument contains an empty string to specify a 'blank' location code, a location
code of "--"
will be used in the dataselect request URL.
The processing
parameter can be used to specify any type of processing supported by the
webs service. This string must begin with an ampersand and be ready to be appended to the request url, e.g.
. This gives the user complete control over the number
and order of processing commands.
(See rotation documentation.)
Error returns from the web service will stop evaluation and generate an error message.
The EarthScope rotation web service: