this function displays/saves/returns a Graphical rbokeh illustrating the difference between the observed and estimated
titulo = "observadoXestimado",
nome = "observadoXestimado",
id = NULL,
save = NULL,
labsX = "observado",
labsy = "estimado",
showTestF = TRUE,
colID = "idLabel",
sobnome = "ObservadoXEstimado",
data = NULL,
diretorio = NULL,
datadiretorio = NULL,
totalizar = NULL,
campoID = NULL,
mapeamento = list(idade2 = "idadearred2", parcela = "parcela", areacorr = "areacorr"),
is the title graphic
name of file case save
list containing the observations of variable
list containing estimates of variable
list containing 'id' of individuals
If you want to save enter the directory as a string
label x
label y
draw results of test F in graphic?
label of ids
optional name to append of file name graphic
database to retireve fields to id
database to retireve fields to id
optional abstract path of directory
script in https?
generat graphic of volume total
name of parcela field in data
name of fields on base
optionals params to plot graphic in ITGM
will be returned a rbokeh graphic