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IgorR (version 0.9.0)

IgorR-package: Read binary files saved by Igor Pro (including Neuromatic data)


This package provides function to read data from the Igor Pro data analysis program by Wavemetrics. The data formats supported are Igor packed experiment format (.pxp) and Igor binary wave (.ibw). See: https://www.wavemetrics.com/ for details.



Maintainer: Gregory Jefferis jefferis@gmail.com (ORCID)

Other contributors:

  • Thomas Braun [contributor]


It also includes some functions to load special pxp files produced by the Neuromatic/Nclamp packages for recording and analysing neuronal #data. See https://github.com/SilverLabUCL/NeuroMatic for details.

Key functions in the package include read.ibw, read.pxp.

See Also