The non_nullcov function is called while fitting the model when the covariate is specified in the fitJM function. It returns a data.frame containing the results after fitting the model. The output of this function is also the output of the fitJM function.
Contains the gene expression data matrix for all the genes - can be a matrix or an expression set.
Vector containing the bio-activity data.
Vector of 0's and 1's, containing data about the fingerprint feature.
Character string to specify the multiple testing method.
Binary, specifying the type of the parameter dat: 0 - expressionSet, 1 - matrix.
A data frame, containing the results of the model - same as the output of the fitJM function.
Fits the model, adjusting for the covariate effect, using gls, calculates the correlation, p-values, adjusted p-values (based on the multiple testing method) and logratio from LRT and returns the required results.