####### 1st example:
####### Simulate data with interventions
## sample size n
n <- 2000
## 4 predictor variables
p <- 4
## simulate as independent Gaussian variables
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),nrow=n)
## divide data into observational (ExpInd=1) and interventional (ExpInd=2)
ExpInd <- c(rep(1,n/2),rep(2,n/2))
## for interventional data (ExpInd==2): change distribution
nI <- sum(ExpInd==2)
X[ExpInd==2,] <- X[ExpInd==2,] + matrix( 5*rt( nI*p,df=3),ncol=p)
## add hidden variables
W <- rnorm(n) * 5
X <- X + outer(W, rep(1,4))
## first two variables are the causal predictors of Y
beta <- c(1,1,0,0)
## response variable Y
Y <- as.numeric(X%*%beta - 2*W + rnorm(n))
####### Compute "hidden Invariant Causal Prediction" Confidence Intervals
icp <- hiddenICP(X,Y,ExpInd,alpha=0.01)
###### Print point estimates and points in the confidence interval closest to 0
cat("true coefficients are:", beta)
#### compare with coefficients from a linear model
cat("coefficients from linear model:")
print(summary(lm(Y ~ X-1)))
####### 2nd example:
####### Simulate model X -> Y -> Z with hidden variables, trying to
###### estimate causal effects from (X,Z) on Y
## sample size n
n <- 10000
## simulate as independent Gaussian variables
W <- rnorm(n)
noiseX <- rnorm(n)
noiseY <- rnorm(n)
noiseZ <- rnorm(n)
## divide data into observational (ExpInd=1) and interventional (ExpInd=2)
ExpInd <- c(rep(1,n/2),rep(2,n/2))
noiseX[ which(ExpInd==2)] <- noiseX[ which(ExpInd==2)] * 5
noiseZ[ which(ExpInd==2)] <- noiseZ[ which(ExpInd==2)] * 3
## simulate equilibrium data
beta <- -0.5
alpha <- 0.9
X <- noiseX + 3*W
Y <- beta* X + noiseY + 3*W
Z <- alpha*Y + noiseZ
####### Compute "Invariant Causal Prediction" Confidence Intervals
icp <- hiddenICP(cbind(X,Z),Y,ExpInd,alpha=0.1)
###### Print/plot/show summary of output (truth here is (beta,0))
cat("true coefficients are:", beta,0)
#### compare with coefficients from a linear model
cat("coefficients from linear model:")
print(summary(lm(Y ~ X + Z -1)))
# }
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