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IsingFit (version 0.4)

IsingFit-package: Network estimation using the eLasso method


This network estimation procedure eLasso, which is based on the Ising model, combines l1-regularized logistic regression with model selection based on the Extended Bayesian Information Criterion (EBIC). EBIC is a fit measure that identifies relevant relationships between variables. The resulting network consists of variables as nodes and relevant relationships as edges. Can deal with binary data.



Claudia D. van Borkulo, Sacha Epskamp; with contributions from Alexander Robitzsch and Mihai Alexandru Constantin

Maintainer: Claudia D. van Borkulo <cvborkulo@gmail.com>


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Chen, J., & Chen, Z. (2008). Extended bayesian information criteria for model selection with large model spaces. Biometrika, 95(3), 759-771.

Foygel, R., & Drton, M. (2011). Bayesian model choice and information criteria in sparse generalized linear models. arXiv preprint arXiv:1112.5635.

Ravikumar, P., Wainwright, M. J., & Lafferty, J. D. (2010). High-dimensional Ising model selection using l1-regularized logistic regression. The Annals of Statistics, 38, 1287 - 1319.

van Borkulo, C. D., Borsboom, D., Epskamp, S., Blanken, T. F., Boschloo, L., Schoevers, R. A., & Waldorp, L. J. (2014). A new method for constructing networks from binary data. Scientific Reports 4, 5918; DOI:10.1038/srep05918.