if (FALSE) {
# EXAMPLE 1: Constrained multivariate normal distribution
#--- simulate data
Sigma <- matrix( c(
1, .55, .5,
.55, 1, .45,
.5, .45, 1 ), nrow=3, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE )
mu <- c(0,1,1.2)
N <- 400
dat <- MASS::mvrnorm( N, mu, Sigma )
colnames(dat) <- paste0("Y",1:3)
S <- stats::cov(dat)
M <- colMeans(dat)
#-- define maximum likelihood function for normal distribution
fit_ml <- function( S, Sigma, M, mu, n, log=TRUE){
Sigma1 <- solve(Sigma)
p <- ncol(Sigma)
det_Sigma <- det( Sigma )
eps <- 1E-30
if ( det_Sigma < eps ){
det_Sigma <- eps
l1 <- - p * log( 2*pi ) - t( M - mu ) %*% Sigma1 %*% ( M - mu ) -
log( det_Sigma ) - sum( diag( Sigma1 %*% S ) )
l1 <- n/2 * l1
if (! log){
l1 <- exp(l1)
l1 <- l1[1,1]
# This likelihood function can be directly accessed by the loglike_mvnorm function.
#--- define data input
data <- list( "S"=S, "M"=M, "n"=N )
#--- define list of prior distributions
prior <- list()
prior[["mu1"]] <- list( "dnorm", list( x=NA, mean=0, sd=1 ) )
prior[["mu2"]] <- list( "dnorm", list( x=NA, mean=0, sd=5 ) )
prior[["sig1"]] <- list( "dunif", list( x=NA, 0, 10 ) )
prior[["rho"]] <- list( "dunif", list( x=NA,-1, 1 ) )
#** alternatively, one can specify the prior as a string and uses
# the 'prior_model_parse' function
prior_model2 <- "
mu1 ~ dnorm(x=NA, mean=0, sd=1)
mu2 ~ dnorm(x=NA, mean=0, sd=5)
sig1 ~ dunif(x=NA, 0,10)
rho ~ dunif(x=NA,-1,1)
# convert string
prior2 <- sirt::prior_model_parse( prior_model2 )
prior2 # should be equal to prior
#--- define log likelihood function for model to be fitted
model <- function( pars, data ){
# mean vector
mu <- pars[ c("mu1", rep("mu2",2) ) ]
# covariance matrix
m1 <- matrix( pars["rho"] * pars["sig1"]^2, 3, 3 )
diag(m1) <- rep( pars["sig1"]^2, 3 )
Sigma <- m1
# evaluate log-likelihood
ll <- fit_ml( S=data$S, Sigma=Sigma, M=data$M, mu=mu, n=data$n)
#--- initial parameter values
pars <- c(1,2,2,0)
names(pars) <- c("mu1", "mu2", "sig1", "rho")
#--- initial proposal distributions
proposal_sd <- c( .4, .1, .05, .1 )
names(proposal_sd) <- names(pars)
#--- lower and upper bound for parameters
pars_lower <- c( -10, -10, .001, -.999 )
pars_upper <- c( 10, 10, 1E100, .999 )
#--- define list with derived parameters
derivedPars <- list( "var1"=~ I( sig1^2 ), "d1"=~ I( ( mu2 - mu1 ) / sig1 ) )
#*** start Metropolis-Hastings sampling
mod <- LAM::amh( data, nobs=data$n, pars=pars, model=model,
prior=prior, proposal_sd=proposal_sd,
n.iter=1000, n.burnin=300, derivedPars=derivedPars,
pars_lower=pars_lower, pars_upper=pars_upper )
# some S3 methods
plot(mod, ask=TRUE)
#--- compare Bayesian credibility intervals and HPD intervals
ci <- cbind( confint(mod), coda::HPDinterval(mod$mcmcobj)[-1, ] )
# interval lengths
cbind( ci[,2]-ci[,1], ci[,4] - ci[,3] )
#--- plot update history of proposal standard deviations
graphics::matplot( x=rownames(mod$proposal_sd_history),
y=mod$proposal_sd_history, type="o", pch=1:6)
#**** compare results with lavaan package
lavmodel <- "
F=~ 1*Y1 + 1*Y2 + 1*Y3
F ~~ rho*F
Y1 ~~ v1*Y1
Y2 ~~ v1*Y2
Y3 ~~ v1*Y3
Y1 ~ mu1 * 1
Y2 ~ mu2 * 1
Y3 ~ mu2 * 1
# total standard deviation
sig1 :=sqrt( rho + v1 )
# estimate model
mod2 <- lavaan::sem( data=as.data.frame(dat), lavmodel )
#*** compare results with penalized maximum likelihood estimation
mod3 <- LAM::pmle( data=data, nobs=data$n, pars=pars, model=model, prior=prior,
pars_lower=pars_lower, pars_upper=pars_upper, verbose=TRUE )
# model summaries
#*** penalized likelihood estimation with provided gradient of log-likelihood
fct <- function(x){
model(pars=x, data=data )
# use numerical gradient (just for illustration)
grad <- function(pars){
CDM::numerical_Hessian(par=pars, FUN=fct, gradient=TRUE, hessian=FALSE)
#- estimate model
mod3b <- LAM::pmle( data=data, nobs=data$n, pars=pars, model=model, prior=prior, model_grad=grad,
pars_lower=pars_lower, pars_upper=pars_upper, verbose=TRUE )
#--- lavaan with covariance and mean vector input
mod2a <- lavaan::sem( sample.cov=data$S, sample.mean=data$M, sample.nobs=data$n,
model=lavmodel )
#--- fit covariance and mean structure by fitting a transformed
# covariance structure
#* create an expanded covariance matrix
p <- ncol(S)
S1 <- matrix( NA, nrow=p+1, ncol=p+1 )
S1[1:p,1:p] <- S + outer( M, M )
S1[p+1,1:p] <- S1[1:p, p+1] <- M
S1[p+1,p+1] <- 1
vars <- c( colnames(S), "MY" )
rownames(S1) <- colnames(S1) <- vars
#* lavaan model
lavmodel <- "
# indicators
F=~ 1*Y1 + 1*Y2 + 1*Y3
# pseudo-indicator representing mean structure
FM=~ 1*MY
MY ~~ 0*MY
FM ~~ 1*FM
F ~~ 0*FM
# mean structure
FM=~ mu1*Y1 + mu2*Y2 + mu2*Y3
# variance structure
F ~~ rho*F
Y1 ~~ v1*Y1
Y2 ~~ v1*Y2
Y3 ~~ v1*Y3
sig1 :=sqrt( rho + v1 )
# estimate model
mod2b <- lavaan::sem( sample.cov=S1,sample.nobs=data$n,
model=lavmodel )
# EXAMPLE 2: Estimation of a linear model with Box-Cox transformation of response
#*** simulate data with Box-Cox transformation
N <- 1000
b0 <- 1.5
b1 <- .3
sigma <- .5
lambda <- 0.3
# apply inverse Box-Cox transformation
# yl=( y^lambda - 1 ) / lambda
# -> y=( lambda * yl + 1 )^(1/lambda)
x <- stats::rnorm( N, mean=0, sd=1 )
yl <- stats::rnorm( N, mean=b0, sd=sigma ) + b1*x
# truncate at zero
eps <- .01
yl <- ifelse( yl < eps, eps, yl )
y <- ( lambda * yl + 1 ) ^(1/lambda )
#-- display distributions of transformed and untransformed data
graphics::hist(yl, breaks=20)
graphics::hist(y, breaks=20)
#*** define vector of parameters
pars <- c( 0, 0, 1, -.2 )
names(pars) <- c("b0", "b1", "sigma", "lambda" )
#*** input data
data <- list( "y"=y, "x"=x)
#*** define model with log-likelihood function
model <- function( pars, data ){
sigma <- pars["sigma"]
b0 <- pars["b0"]
b1 <- pars["b1"]
lambda <- pars["lambda"]
if ( abs(lambda) < .01){ lambda <- .01 * sign(lambda) }
y <- data$y
x <- data$x
n <- length(y)
y_lambda <- ( y^lambda - 1 ) / lambda
ll <- - n/2 * log(2*pi) - n * log( sigma ) -
1/(2*sigma^2)* sum( (y_lambda - b0 - b1*x)^2 ) +
( lambda - 1 ) * sum( log( y ) )
#-- test model function
model( pars, data )
#*** define prior distributions
prior <- list()
prior[["b0"]] <- list( "dnorm", list( x=NA, mean=0, sd=10 ) )
prior[["b1"]] <- list( "dnorm", list( x=NA, mean=0, sd=10 ) )
prior[["sigma"]] <- list( "dunif", list( x=NA, 0, 10 ) )
prior[["lambda"]] <- list( "dunif", list( x=NA, -2, 2 ) )
#*** define proposal SDs
proposal_sd <- c( .1, .1, .1, .1 )
names(proposal_sd) <- names(pars)
#*** define bounds for parameters
pars_lower <- c( -100, -100, .01, -2 )
pars_upper <- c( 100, 100, 100, 2 )
#*** sampling routine
mod <- LAM::amh( data, nobs=N, pars, model, prior, proposal_sd,
n.iter=10000, n.burnin=2000, n.sims=5000,
pars_lower=pars_lower, pars_upper=pars_upper )
#-- S3 methods
plot(mod, ask=TRUE )
#*** estimating Box-Cox transformation in MASS package
mod2 <- MASS::boxcox( stats::lm( y ~ x ), lambda=seq(-1,2,length=100) )
mod2$x[ which.max( mod2$y ) ]
#*** estimate Box-Cox parameter lambda with car package
mod3 <- car::powerTransform( y ~ x )
# fit linear model with transformed response
mod3a <- stats::lm( car::bcPower( y, mod3$roundlam) ~ x )
# EXAMPLE 3: STARTS model directly specified in LAM or lavaan
## Data from Wu (2016)
## define list with input data
## S ... covariance matrix, M ... mean vector
# read covariance matrix of data in Wu (older cohort, positive affect)
S <- matrix( c( 12.745, 7.046, 6.906, 6.070, 5.047, 6.110,
7.046, 14.977, 8.334, 6.714, 6.91, 6.624,
6.906, 8.334, 13.323, 7.979, 8.418, 7.951,
6.070, 6.714, 7.979, 12.041, 7.874, 8.099,
5.047, 6.91, 8.418, 7.874, 13.838, 9.117,
6.110, 6.624, 7.951, 8.099, 9.117, 15.132 ),
nrow=6, ncol=6, byrow=TRUE )
#* standardize S such that the average SD is 1 (for ease of interpretation)
M_SD <- mean( sqrt( diag(S) ))
S <- S / M_SD^2
colnames(S) <- rownames(S) <- paste0("W",1:6)
W <- 6 # number of measurement waves
data <- list( "S"=S, "M"=rep(0,W), "n"=660, "W"=W )
#*** likelihood function for the STARTS model
model <- function( pars, data ){
# mean vector
mu <- data$M
# covariance matrix
W <- data$W
var_trait <- pars["vt"]
var_ar <- pars["va"]
var_state <- pars["vs"]
a <- pars["b"]
Sigma <- STARTS::starts_uni_cov( W=W, var_trait=var_trait,
var_ar=var_ar, var_state=var_state, a=a )
# evaluate log-likelihood
ll <- LAM::loglike_mvnorm( S=data$S, Sigma=Sigma, M=data$M, mu=mu,
n=data$n, lambda=1E-5)
#** Note:
# (1) The function starts_uni_cov calculates the model implied covariance matrix
# for the STARTS model.
# (2) The function loglike_mvnorm evaluates the loglikelihood for a multivariate
# normal distribution given sample and population means M and mu, and sample
# and population covariance matrix S and Sigma.
#*** starting values for parameters
pars <- c( .33, .33, .33, .75)
names(pars) <- c("vt","va","vs","b")
#*** bounds for acceptance rates
acceptance_bounds <- c( .45, .55 )
#*** starting values for proposal standard deviations
proposal_sd <- c( .1, .1, .1, .1 )
names(proposal_sd) <- names(pars)
#*** lower and upper bounds for parameter estimates
pars_lower <- c( .001, .001, .001, .001 )
pars_upper <- c( 10, 10, 10, .999 )
#*** define prior distributions | use prior sample size of 3
prior_model <- "
vt ~ dinvgamma2(NA, 3, .33 )
va ~ dinvgamma2(NA, 3, .33 )
vs ~ dinvgamma2(NA, 3, .33 )
b ~ dbeta(NA, 4, 4 )
#*** define number of iterations
n.burnin <- 5000
n.iter <- 20000
set.seed(987) # fix random seed
#*** estimate model with 'LAM::amh' function
mod <- LAM::amh( data=data, nobs=data$n, pars=pars, model=model,
prior=prior_model, proposal_sd=proposal_sd, n.iter=n.iter,
n.burnin=n.burnin, pars_lower=pars_lower, pars_upper=pars_upper)
#*** model summary
## Parameter Summary (Marginal MAP estimation)
## parameter MAP SD Q2.5 Q97.5 Rhat SERatio effSize accrate
## 1 vt 0.352 0.088 0.122 0.449 1.014 0.088 128 0.557
## 2 va 0.335 0.080 0.238 0.542 1.015 0.090 123 0.546
## 3 vs 0.341 0.018 0.297 0.367 1.005 0.042 571 0.529
## 4 b 0.834 0.065 0.652 0.895 1.017 0.079 161 0.522
## Comparison of Different Estimators
## MAP: Univariate marginal MAP estimation
## mMAP: Multivariate MAP estimation (penalized likelihood estimate)
## Mean: Mean of posterior distributions
## Parameter Summary:
## parm MAP mMAP Mean
## 1 vt 0.352 0.294 0.300
## 2 va 0.335 0.371 0.369
## 3 vs 0.341 0.339 0.335
## 4 b 0.834 0.822 0.800
#* inspect convergence
plot(mod, ask=TRUE)
# fitting the STARTS model with penalized maximum likelihood estimation
mod2 <- LAM::pmle( data=data, nobs=data$n, pars=pars, model=model, prior=prior_model,
pars_lower=pars_lower, pars_upper=pars_upper, method="L-BFGS-B",
control=list( trace=TRUE ) )
# model summaries
## Parameter Summary
## parameter est se t p active
## 1 vt 0.298 0.110 2.712 0.007 1
## 2 va 0.364 0.102 3.560 0.000 1
## 3 vs 0.337 0.018 18.746 0.000 1
## 4 b 0.818 0.074 11.118 0.000 1
# fitting the STARTS model in lavaan
## define lavaan model
lavmodel <- "
#*** stable trait
T=~ 1*W1 + 1*W2 + 1*W3 + 1*W4 + 1*W5 + 1*W6
T ~~ vt * T
W1 ~~ 0*W1
W2 ~~ 0*W2
W3 ~~ 0*W3
W4 ~~ 0*W4
W5 ~~ 0*W5
W6 ~~ 0*W6
#*** autoregressive trait
AR1=~ 1*W1
AR2=~ 1*W2
AR3=~ 1*W3
AR4=~ 1*W4
AR5=~ 1*W5
AR6=~ 1*W6
#*** state component
S1=~ 1*W1
S2=~ 1*W2
S3=~ 1*W3
S4=~ 1*W4
S5=~ 1*W5
S6=~ 1*W6
S1 ~~ vs * S1
S2 ~~ vs * S2
S3 ~~ vs * S3
S4 ~~ vs * S4
S5 ~~ vs * S5
S6 ~~ vs * S6
AR2 ~ b * AR1
AR3 ~ b * AR2
AR4 ~ b * AR3
AR5 ~ b * AR4
AR6 ~ b * AR5
AR1 ~~ va * AR1
AR2 ~~ v1 * AR2
AR3 ~~ v1 * AR3
AR4 ~~ v1 * AR4
AR5 ~~ v1 * AR5
AR6 ~~ v1 * AR6
#*** nonlinear constraint
v1==va * ( 1 - b^2 )
#*** force variances to be positive
vt > 0.001
va > 0.001
vs > 0.001
#*** variance proportions
var_total :=vt + vs + va
propt :=vt / var_total
propa :=va / var_total
props :=vs / var_total
# estimate lavaan model
mod <- lavaan::lavaan(model=lavmodel, sample.cov=S, sample.nobs=660)
# summary and fit measures
coef(mod)[ ! duplicated( names(coef(mod))) ]
## vt vs b va v1
## 0.001000023 0.349754630 0.916789054 0.651723144 0.103948711
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