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LAM (version 0.7-22)

amh: Bayesian Model Estimation with Adaptive Metropolis Hastings Sampling (amh) or Penalized Maximum Likelihood Estimation (pmle)


The function amh conducts a Bayesian statistical analysis using the adaptive Metropolis-Hastings as the estimation procedure (Hoff, 2009; Roberts & Rosenthal, 2001). Only univariate prior distributions are allowed. Note that this function is intended just for experimental purpose, not to replace general purpose packages like WinBUGS, JAGS, Stan or MHadaptive.

The function pmle optimizes the penalized likelihood (Cole, Chu & Greenland, 2014) which means that the posterior is maximized and the maximum a posterior estimate is obtained. The optimization functions stats::optim or stats::nlminb can be used.


amh(data, nobs, pars, model,  prior, proposal_sd,  pars_lower=NULL,
      pars_upper=NULL, derivedPars=NULL, n.iter=5000, n.burnin=1000,
      n.sims=3000, acceptance_bounds=c(.45,.55), proposal_refresh=50,
      proposal_equal=4, print_iter=50, boundary_ignore=FALSE )

pmle( data, nobs, pars, model, prior=NULL, model_grad=NULL, pars_lower=NULL, pars_upper=NULL, method="L-BFGS-B", control=list(), verbose=TRUE, hessian=TRUE, optim_fct="nlminb", h=1e-4, ... )

# S3 method for amh summary(object, digits=3, file=NULL, ...)

# S3 method for amh plot(x, conflevel=.95, digits=3, lag.max=.1, col.smooth="red", lwd.smooth=2, col.split="blue", lwd.split=2, lty.split=1, col.ci="orange", cex.summ=1, ask=FALSE, ... )

# S3 method for amh coef(object, ...)

# S3 method for amh logLik(object, ...)

# S3 method for amh vcov(object, ...)

# S3 method for amh confint(object, parm, level=.95, ... )

# S3 method for pmle summary(object, digits=3, file=NULL, ...)

# S3 method for pmle coef(object, ...)

# S3 method for pmle logLik(object, ...)

# S3 method for pmle vcov(object, ...)

# S3 method for pmle confint(object, parm, level=.95, ... )


List of class amh including entries


Data frame with sampled parameters


Acceptance probabilities


Summary of parameters


Coefficient obtained from marginal MAP estimation


Object of parameters and posterior values corresponding to multivariate maximum of posterior distribution.


Estimates for univariate MAP, multivariate MAP and mean estimator and corresponding posterior estimates.


Information criteria


Object of class mcmc for coda package


Used proposal standard deviations


History of proposal standard deviations during burn-in iterations


History of acceptance rates for all parameters during burn-in phase


More values



Object which contains data


Number of observations


Named vector of initial values for parameters


Function defining the log-likelihood of the model


List with prior distributions for the parameters to be sampled (see Examples). See sirt::prior_model_parse for more convenient specifications of the prior distributions. Setting the prior argument to NULL corresponds to improper (constant) prior distributions for all parameters.


Vector with initial standard deviations for proposal distribution


Vector with lower bounds for parameters


Vector with upper bounds for parameters


Optional list containing derived parameters from sampled chain


Number of iterations


Number of burn-in iterations


Number of sampled iterations for parameters


Bounds for acceptance probabilities of sampled parameters


Number of iterations for computation of adaptation of proposal standard deviation


Number of intervals in which the proposal SD should be constant for fixing the SD


Display progress every print_iterth iteration


Logical indicating whether sampled values outside the specified boundaries should be ignored.


Optional function which evaluates the gradient of the log-likelihood function (must be a function of pars.


Optimization method in stats::optim


Control parameters stats::optim


Logical indicating whether progress should be displayed.


Logical indicating whether the Hessian matrix should be computed


Type of optimization: "optim" (stats::optim) or the default "nlminb" (stats::nlminb)


Numerical differentiation parameter for prior distributions if model_grad is provided.


Object of class amh


Number of digits used for rounding


File name


Further arguments to be passed


Object of class amh


Confidence level


Percentage of iterations used for calculation of autocorrelation function


Color moving average


Line thickness moving average


Color split chain


Line thickness splitted chain


Line type splitted chain


Color confidence interval


Point size summary


Logical. If TRUE the user is asked for input, before a new figure is drawn.


Optional vector of parameters.


Confidence level.


Cole, S. R., Chu, H., & Greenland, S. (2013). Maximum likelihood, profile likelihood, and penalized likelihood: a primer. American Journal of Epidemiology, 179(2), 252-260. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1093/aje/kwt245")

Hoff, P. D. (2009). A first course in Bayesian statistical methods. New York: Springer.

Roberts, G. O., & Rosenthal, J. S. (2001). Optimal scaling for various Metropolis-Hastings algorithms. Statistical Science, 16(4), 351-367. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1214/ss/1015346320")

See Also

See the Bayesian CRAN Task View for lot of information about alternative R packages.



Run this code
if (FALSE) {
# EXAMPLE 1: Constrained multivariate normal distribution

#--- simulate data
Sigma <- matrix( c(
    1, .55, .5,
    .55, 1, .45,
    .5, .45, 1 ), nrow=3, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE )
mu <- c(0,1,1.2)
N <- 400
dat <- MASS::mvrnorm( N, mu, Sigma )
colnames(dat) <- paste0("Y",1:3)
S <- stats::cov(dat)
M <- colMeans(dat)

#-- define maximum likelihood function for normal distribution
fit_ml <- function( S, Sigma, M, mu, n, log=TRUE){
    Sigma1 <- solve(Sigma)
    p <- ncol(Sigma)
    det_Sigma <- det( Sigma )
    eps <- 1E-30
    if ( det_Sigma < eps ){
            det_Sigma <- eps
    l1 <- - p * log( 2*pi ) - t( M - mu ) %*% Sigma1 %*% ( M - mu ) -
                  log( det_Sigma )  - sum( diag( Sigma1 %*% S ) )
    l1 <- n/2 * l1
    if (! log){
        l1 <- exp(l1)
    l1 <- l1[1,1]
# This likelihood function can be directly accessed by the loglike_mvnorm function.

#--- define data input
data <- list( "S"=S, "M"=M, "n"=N )

#--- define list of prior distributions
prior <- list()
prior[["mu1"]] <- list( "dnorm", list( x=NA, mean=0, sd=1 ) )
prior[["mu2"]] <- list( "dnorm", list( x=NA, mean=0, sd=5 ) )
prior[["sig1"]] <- list( "dunif", list( x=NA, 0, 10 ) )
prior[["rho"]] <- list( "dunif", list( x=NA,-1, 1  ) )

#** alternatively, one can specify the prior as a string and uses
#   the 'prior_model_parse' function
prior_model2 <- "
   mu1 ~ dnorm(x=NA, mean=0, sd=1)
   mu2 ~ dnorm(x=NA, mean=0, sd=5)
   sig1 ~ dunif(x=NA, 0,10)
   rho ~ dunif(x=NA,-1,1)
# convert string
prior2 <- sirt::prior_model_parse( prior_model2 )
prior2  # should be equal to prior

#--- define log likelihood function for model to be fitted
model <- function( pars, data ){
    # mean vector
    mu <- pars[ c("mu1", rep("mu2",2) ) ]
    # covariance matrix
    m1 <- matrix( pars["rho"] * pars["sig1"]^2, 3, 3 )
    diag(m1) <- rep( pars["sig1"]^2, 3 )
    Sigma <- m1
    # evaluate log-likelihood
    ll <- fit_ml( S=data$S, Sigma=Sigma, M=data$M, mu=mu, n=data$n)

#--- initial parameter values
pars <- c(1,2,2,0)
names(pars) <- c("mu1", "mu2", "sig1", "rho")
#--- initial proposal distributions
proposal_sd <- c( .4, .1, .05, .1 )
names(proposal_sd) <- names(pars)
#--- lower and upper bound for parameters
pars_lower <- c( -10, -10, .001, -.999 )
pars_upper <- c( 10, 10, 1E100, .999 )

#--- define list with derived parameters
derivedPars <- list( "var1"=~ I( sig1^2 ), "d1"=~ I( ( mu2 - mu1 ) / sig1 ) )

#*** start Metropolis-Hastings sampling
mod <- LAM::amh( data, nobs=data$n, pars=pars, model=model,
          prior=prior, proposal_sd=proposal_sd,
          n.iter=1000, n.burnin=300, derivedPars=derivedPars,
          pars_lower=pars_lower, pars_upper=pars_upper )

# some S3 methods
plot(mod, ask=TRUE)

#--- compare Bayesian credibility intervals and HPD intervals
ci <- cbind( confint(mod), coda::HPDinterval(mod$mcmcobj)[-1, ] )
# interval lengths
cbind( ci[,2]-ci[,1], ci[,4] - ci[,3] )

#--- plot update history of proposal standard deviations
graphics::matplot( x=rownames(mod$proposal_sd_history),
          y=mod$proposal_sd_history, type="o", pch=1:6)

#**** compare results with lavaan package
lavmodel <- "
    F=~ 1*Y1 + 1*Y2 + 1*Y3
    F ~~ rho*F
    Y1 ~~ v1*Y1
    Y2 ~~ v1*Y2
    Y3 ~~ v1*Y3
    Y1 ~ mu1 * 1
    Y2 ~ mu2 * 1
    Y3 ~ mu2 * 1
    # total standard deviation
    sig1 :=sqrt( rho + v1 )
# estimate model
mod2 <- lavaan::sem( data=as.data.frame(dat), lavmodel )

#*** compare results with penalized maximum likelihood estimation
mod3 <- LAM::pmle( data=data, nobs=data$n, pars=pars, model=model,  prior=prior,
            pars_lower=pars_lower, pars_upper=pars_upper, verbose=TRUE  )
# model summaries

#*** penalized likelihood estimation with provided gradient of log-likelihood

fct <- function(x){
    model(pars=x, data=data )
# use numerical gradient (just for illustration)
grad <- function(pars){
    CDM::numerical_Hessian(par=pars, FUN=fct, gradient=TRUE, hessian=FALSE)
#- estimate model
mod3b <- LAM::pmle( data=data, nobs=data$n, pars=pars, model=model,  prior=prior, model_grad=grad,
            pars_lower=pars_lower, pars_upper=pars_upper, verbose=TRUE  )

#--- lavaan with covariance and mean vector input
mod2a <- lavaan::sem( sample.cov=data$S, sample.mean=data$M, sample.nobs=data$n,
                model=lavmodel )

#--- fit covariance and mean structure by fitting a transformed
#    covariance structure
#* create an expanded covariance matrix
p <- ncol(S)
S1 <- matrix( NA, nrow=p+1, ncol=p+1 )
S1[1:p,1:p] <- S + outer( M, M )
S1[p+1,1:p] <- S1[1:p, p+1] <- M
S1[p+1,p+1] <- 1
vars <- c( colnames(S), "MY" )
rownames(S1) <- colnames(S1) <- vars
#* lavaan model
lavmodel <- "
    # indicators
    F=~ 1*Y1 + 1*Y2 + 1*Y3
    # pseudo-indicator representing mean structure
    FM=~ 1*MY
    MY ~~ 0*MY
    FM ~~ 1*FM
    F ~~ 0*FM
    # mean structure
    FM=~ mu1*Y1 + mu2*Y2 + mu2*Y3
    # variance structure
    F ~~ rho*F
    Y1 ~~ v1*Y1
    Y2 ~~ v1*Y2
    Y3 ~~ v1*Y3
    sig1 :=sqrt( rho + v1 )

# estimate model
mod2b <- lavaan::sem( sample.cov=S1,sample.nobs=data$n,
                model=lavmodel )

# EXAMPLE 2: Estimation of a linear model with Box-Cox transformation of response

#*** simulate data with Box-Cox transformation
N <- 1000
b0 <- 1.5
b1 <- .3
sigma <- .5
lambda <- 0.3
# apply inverse Box-Cox transformation
  # yl=( y^lambda - 1 ) / lambda
  # -> y=( lambda * yl + 1 )^(1/lambda)
x <- stats::rnorm( N,  mean=0, sd=1 )
yl <- stats::rnorm( N, mean=b0, sd=sigma ) + b1*x
# truncate at zero
eps <- .01
yl <- ifelse( yl < eps, eps, yl )
y <- ( lambda * yl + 1 ) ^(1/lambda )

#-- display distributions of transformed and untransformed data
graphics::hist(yl, breaks=20)
graphics::hist(y, breaks=20)

#*** define vector of parameters
pars <- c( 0, 0,  1, -.2 )
names(pars) <- c("b0", "b1", "sigma", "lambda" )
#*** input data
data <- list( "y"=y, "x"=x)
#*** define model with log-likelihood function
model <- function( pars, data ){
    sigma <- pars["sigma"]
    b0 <- pars["b0"]
    b1 <- pars["b1"]
    lambda <- pars["lambda"]
    if ( abs(lambda) < .01){ lambda <- .01 * sign(lambda) }
    y <- data$y
    x <- data$x
    n <- length(y)
    y_lambda <- ( y^lambda - 1 ) / lambda
    ll <- - n/2 * log(2*pi) - n * log( sigma ) -
            1/(2*sigma^2)* sum( (y_lambda - b0 - b1*x)^2 ) +
            ( lambda - 1 ) * sum( log( y ) )
#-- test model function
model( pars, data )

#*** define prior distributions
prior <- list()
prior[["b0"]] <- list( "dnorm", list( x=NA, mean=0, sd=10 ) )
prior[["b1"]] <- list( "dnorm", list( x=NA, mean=0, sd=10 ) )
prior[["sigma"]] <- list( "dunif", list( x=NA, 0, 10  ) )
prior[["lambda"]] <- list( "dunif", list( x=NA, -2, 2 ) )
#*** define proposal SDs
proposal_sd <- c( .1, .1, .1, .1 )
names(proposal_sd) <- names(pars)
#*** define bounds for parameters
pars_lower <- c( -100, -100, .01, -2 )
pars_upper <- c( 100, 100, 100, 2 )

#*** sampling routine
mod <- LAM::amh( data, nobs=N, pars, model,  prior, proposal_sd,
        n.iter=10000, n.burnin=2000, n.sims=5000,
        pars_lower=pars_lower, pars_upper=pars_upper )
#-- S3 methods
plot(mod, ask=TRUE )

#*** estimating Box-Cox transformation in MASS package
mod2 <- MASS::boxcox( stats::lm( y ~ x ), lambda=seq(-1,2,length=100) )
mod2$x[ which.max( mod2$y ) ]

#*** estimate Box-Cox parameter lambda with car package
mod3 <- car::powerTransform( y ~ x )
# fit linear model with transformed response
mod3a <- stats::lm( car::bcPower( y, mod3$roundlam) ~ x )

# EXAMPLE 3: STARTS model directly specified in LAM or lavaan

## Data from Wu (2016)


## define list with input data
## S ... covariance matrix, M ... mean vector

# read covariance matrix of data in Wu (older cohort, positive affect)
S <- matrix( c( 12.745, 7.046, 6.906, 6.070, 5.047, 6.110,
    7.046, 14.977, 8.334, 6.714, 6.91, 6.624,
    6.906, 8.334, 13.323, 7.979, 8.418, 7.951,
    6.070, 6.714, 7.979, 12.041, 7.874, 8.099,
    5.047, 6.91, 8.418, 7.874, 13.838, 9.117,
    6.110, 6.624, 7.951, 8.099, 9.117, 15.132 ),
    nrow=6, ncol=6, byrow=TRUE )
#* standardize S such that the average SD is 1 (for ease of interpretation)
M_SD <- mean( sqrt( diag(S) ))
S <- S / M_SD^2
colnames(S) <- rownames(S) <- paste0("W",1:6)
W <- 6   # number of measurement waves
data <- list( "S"=S, "M"=rep(0,W), "n"=660, "W"=W  )

#*** likelihood function for the STARTS model
model <- function( pars, data ){
    # mean vector
    mu <- data$M
    # covariance matrix
    W <- data$W
    var_trait <- pars["vt"]
    var_ar <- pars["va"]
    var_state <- pars["vs"]
    a <- pars["b"]
    Sigma <- STARTS::starts_uni_cov( W=W, var_trait=var_trait,
                var_ar=var_ar, var_state=var_state, a=a )
    # evaluate log-likelihood
    ll <- LAM::loglike_mvnorm( S=data$S, Sigma=Sigma, M=data$M, mu=mu,
                n=data$n, lambda=1E-5)
#** Note:
#   (1) The function starts_uni_cov calculates the model implied covariance matrix
#       for the STARTS model.
#   (2) The function loglike_mvnorm evaluates the loglikelihood for a multivariate
#       normal distribution given sample and population means M and mu, and sample
#       and population covariance matrix S and Sigma.

#*** starting values for parameters
pars <- c( .33, .33, .33, .75)
names(pars) <- c("vt","va","vs","b")
#*** bounds for acceptance rates
acceptance_bounds <- c( .45, .55 )
#*** starting values for proposal standard deviations
proposal_sd <- c( .1, .1, .1, .1 )
names(proposal_sd) <- names(pars)
#*** lower and upper bounds for parameter estimates
pars_lower <- c( .001, .001, .001, .001 )
pars_upper <- c( 10, 10, 10, .999 )
#*** define prior distributions | use prior sample size of 3
prior_model <- "
    vt ~ dinvgamma2(NA, 3, .33 )
    va ~ dinvgamma2(NA, 3, .33 )
    vs ~ dinvgamma2(NA, 3, .33 )
    b ~ dbeta(NA, 4, 4 )
#*** define number of iterations
n.burnin <- 5000
n.iter <- 20000
set.seed(987)    # fix random seed
#*** estimate model with 'LAM::amh' function
mod <- LAM::amh( data=data, nobs=data$n, pars=pars, model=model,
            prior=prior_model, proposal_sd=proposal_sd, n.iter=n.iter,
            n.burnin=n.burnin, pars_lower=pars_lower, pars_upper=pars_upper)
#*** model summary
  ##  Parameter Summary (Marginal MAP estimation)
  ##    parameter   MAP    SD  Q2.5 Q97.5  Rhat SERatio effSize accrate
  ##  1        vt 0.352 0.088 0.122 0.449 1.014   0.088     128   0.557
  ##  2        va 0.335 0.080 0.238 0.542 1.015   0.090     123   0.546
  ##  3        vs 0.341 0.018 0.297 0.367 1.005   0.042     571   0.529
  ##  4         b 0.834 0.065 0.652 0.895 1.017   0.079     161   0.522
  ##  Comparison of Different Estimators
  ##  MAP: Univariate marginal MAP estimation
  ##  mMAP: Multivariate MAP estimation (penalized likelihood estimate)
  ##  Mean: Mean of posterior distributions
  ##    Parameter Summary:
  ##    parm   MAP  mMAP  Mean
  ##  1   vt 0.352 0.294 0.300
  ##  2   va 0.335 0.371 0.369
  ##  3   vs 0.341 0.339 0.335
  ##  4    b 0.834 0.822 0.800

#* inspect convergence
plot(mod, ask=TRUE)

# fitting the STARTS model with penalized maximum likelihood estimation
mod2 <- LAM::pmle( data=data, nobs=data$n, pars=pars, model=model,  prior=prior_model,
            pars_lower=pars_lower, pars_upper=pars_upper, method="L-BFGS-B",
            control=list( trace=TRUE )  )
# model summaries
  ##  Parameter Summary
  ##    parameter   est    se      t     p active
  ##  1        vt 0.298 0.110  2.712 0.007      1
  ##  2        va 0.364 0.102  3.560 0.000      1
  ##  3        vs 0.337 0.018 18.746 0.000      1
  ##  4         b 0.818 0.074 11.118 0.000      1

# fitting the STARTS model in lavaan


## define lavaan model
lavmodel <- "
     #*** stable trait
     T=~ 1*W1 + 1*W2 + 1*W3 + 1*W4 + 1*W5 + 1*W6
     T ~~ vt * T
     W1 ~~ 0*W1
     W2 ~~ 0*W2
     W3 ~~ 0*W3
     W4 ~~ 0*W4
     W5 ~~ 0*W5
     W6 ~~ 0*W6
     #*** autoregressive trait
     AR1=~ 1*W1
     AR2=~ 1*W2
     AR3=~ 1*W3
     AR4=~ 1*W4
     AR5=~ 1*W5
     AR6=~ 1*W6
     #*** state component
     S1=~ 1*W1
     S2=~ 1*W2
     S3=~ 1*W3
     S4=~ 1*W4
     S5=~ 1*W5
     S6=~ 1*W6
     S1 ~~ vs * S1
     S2 ~~ vs * S2
     S3 ~~ vs * S3
     S4 ~~ vs * S4
     S5 ~~ vs * S5
     S6 ~~ vs * S6
     AR2 ~ b * AR1
     AR3 ~ b * AR2
     AR4 ~ b * AR3
     AR5 ~ b * AR4
     AR6 ~ b * AR5
     AR1 ~~ va * AR1
     AR2 ~~ v1 * AR2
     AR3 ~~ v1 * AR3
     AR4 ~~ v1 * AR4
     AR5 ~~ v1 * AR5
     AR6 ~~ v1 * AR6
     #*** nonlinear constraint
     v1==va * ( 1 - b^2 )
     #*** force variances to be positive
     vt > 0.001
     va > 0.001
     vs > 0.001
     #*** variance proportions
     var_total :=vt + vs + va
     propt :=vt / var_total
     propa :=va / var_total
     props :=vs / var_total
# estimate lavaan model
mod <- lavaan::lavaan(model=lavmodel, sample.cov=S, sample.nobs=660)
# summary and fit measures
coef(mod)[ ! duplicated( names(coef(mod))) ]
  ##           vt          vs           b          va          v1
  ##  0.001000023 0.349754630 0.916789054 0.651723144 0.103948711

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