## Not run:
# data(TwentyNewsgroups, package="LDAvis")
# # create the json object, start a local file server, open in default browser
# json <- with(TwentyNewsgroups,
# createJSON(phi, theta, doc.length, vocab, term.frequency))
# serVis(json) # press ESC or Ctrl-C to kill
# # createJSON() reorders topics in decreasing order of term frequency
# RJSONIO::fromJSON(json)$topic.order
# # You may want to just write the JSON and other dependency files
# # to a folder named TwentyNewsgroups under the working directory
# serVis(json, out.dir = 'TwentyNewsgroups', open.browser = FALSE)
# # then you could use a server of your choice; for example,
# # open your terminal, type `cd TwentyNewsgroups && python -m SimpleHTTPServer`
# # then open http://localhost:8000 in your web browser
# # A different data set: the Jeopardy Questions+Answers data:
# # Install LDAvisData (the associated data package) if not already installed:
# # devtools::install_github("cpsievert/LDAvisData")
# library(LDAvisData)
# data(Jeopardy, package="LDAvisData")
# json <- with(Jeopardy,
# createJSON(phi, theta, doc.length, vocab, term.frequency))
# serVis(json) # Check out Topic 22 (bodies of water!)
# # If you have a GitHub account, you can even publish as a gist
# # which allows you to easily share with others!
# serVis(json, as.gist = TRUE)
# # Run createJSON on a cluster of machines to speed it up
# system.time(
# json <- with(TwentyNewsgroups,
# createJSON(phi, theta, doc.length, vocab, term.frequency))
# )
# # user system elapsed
# # 14.415 0.800 15.066
# library("parallel")
# cl <- makeCluster(detectCores() - 1)
# cl # socket cluster with 3 nodes on host 'localhost'
# system.time(
# json <- with(TwentyNewsgroups,
# createJSON(phi, theta, doc.length, vocab, term.frequency,
# cluster = cl))
# )
# # user system elapsed
# # 2.006 0.361 8.822
# # another scaling method (svd + tsne)
# library("tsne")
# svd_tsne <- function(x) tsne(svd(x)$u)
# json <- with(TwentyNewsgroups,
# createJSON(phi, theta, doc.length, vocab, term.frequency,
# mds.method = svd_tsne,
# plot.opts = list(xlab="", ylab="")
# )
# )
# serVis(json) # Results in a different topic layout in the left panel
# ## End(Not run)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab