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Query SNPclip API
SNPclip( snps, pop = "CEU", r2_threshold = "0.1", maf_threshold = "0.01", token = NULL, file = FALSE )
a list of between 1 - 5,000 variants, using an rsID or chromosome coordinate (e.g. "chr7:24966446")
a 1000 Genomes Project population, (e.g. YRI or CEU), multiple allowed, default = "CEU"
LD R2 threshold between 0-1, default = 0.1
minor allele frequency threshold between 0-1, default = 0.01
LDlink provided user token, default = NULL, register for token at https://ldlink.nci.nih.gov/?tab=apiaccess
Optional character string naming a path and file for saving results. If file = FALSE, no file will be generated, default = FALSE.
a data frame
# NOT RUN { SNPclip(c("rs3", "rs4", "rs148890987"), "YRI", "0.1", "0.01", token = Sys.getenv("LDLINK_TOKEN")) # } # NOT RUN { # }
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