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LOLA (version 1.2.2)

writeCombinedEnrichment: Function for writing output all at once: combinedResults is an table generated by "locationEnrichment()" or by rbinding category/location results. Writes all enrichments to a single file, and also spits out the same data divided into groups based on userSets, and Databases, just for convenience. disable this with an option.


Function for writing output all at once: combinedResults is an table generated by "locationEnrichment()" or by rbinding category/location results. Writes all enrichments to a single file, and also spits out the same data divided into groups based on userSets, and Databases, just for convenience. disable this with an option.


writeCombinedEnrichment(combinedResults, outFolder = NULL, includeSplits = TRUE)


enrichment results object
location to write results on disk
also include individual files for each user set and database?


No return value.


Run this code
dbPath = system.file("extdata", "hg19", package="LOLA")
regionDB = loadRegionDB(dbLocation=dbPath)
data("sample_universe", package="LOLA")
data("sample_input", package="LOLA")

getRegionSet(regionDB, collections="ucsc_example", filenames="vistaEnhancers.bed")
getRegionSet(dbPath, collections="ucsc_example", filenames="vistaEnhancers.bed")

res = runLOLA(userSets, userUniverse, regionDB, cores=1)
locResult = res[2,]
extractEnrichmentOverlaps(locResult, userSets, regionDB)
writeCombinedEnrichment(locResult, "temp_outfolder")

userSetsRedefined =	redefineUserSets(userSets, userUniverse)
resRedefined = runLOLA(userSetsRedefined, userUniverse, regionDB, cores=1)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab