Internal function of package LPCM called by lpc
. Do not use!
followx(Xi, x0, h, t0, iter, way, weights, pen = 2,
lasteigenvector = 0, rho0 = 0.4, boundary=0.005, 0.000001, cross=TRUE)
data matrix
branch starting point
step length
number of iterations (within the given curve branch)
possible values "one", "two", "back" (in which directions the curve should proceed)
vector of weights
power used for angle penalization
to be passed on from lpc
constant; see reference [1] in lpc.control
boundary correction, see Einbeck and Zayed (2014)
convergence parameter
Boolean; are curves allowed to cross?
Einbeck, J., & Zayed, M. (2014). Some asymptotics for localized principal components and curves. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 43(8), 1736-1749. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1080/03610926.2012.673676")