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LaMa (version 2.0.3)

forward_s: Forward algorithm for hidden semi-Markov models with homogeneous transition probability matrix


Hidden semi-Markov models (HSMMs) are a flexible extension of HMMs that can be approximated by HMMs on an enlarged state space (of size \(M\)) and with structured transition probabilities.


forward_s(delta, Gamma, allprobs, sizes)


log-likelihood for given data and parameters



initial or stationary distribution of length N, or matrix of dimension c(k,N) for k independent tracks, if trackID is provided


transition probability matrix of dimension c(M,M)


matrix of state-dependent probabilities/ density values of dimension c(n, N) which will automatically be converted to the appropriate dimension.


state aggregate sizes that are used for the approximation of the semi-Markov chain.


Run this code
## generating data from homogeneous 2-state HSMM
mu = c(0, 6)
lambda = c(6, 12)
omega = matrix(c(0,1,1,0), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
# simulation
# for a 2-state HSMM the embedded chain always alternates between 1 and 2
s = rep(1:2, 100)
C = x = numeric(0)
for(t in 1:100){
  dt = rpois(1, lambda[s[t]])+1 # shifted Poisson
  C = c(C, rep(s[t], dt))
  x = c(x, rnorm(dt, mu[s[t]], 1.5)) # fixed sd 2 for both states

## negative log likelihood function
mllk = function(theta.star, x, sizes){
  # parameter transformations for unconstraint optimization
  omega = matrix(c(0,1,1,0), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE) # omega fixed (2-states)
  lambda = exp(theta.star[1:2]) # dwell time means
  dm = list(dpois(1:sizes[1]-1, lambda[1]), dpois(1:sizes[2]-1, lambda[2]))
  Gamma = tpm_hsmm2(omega, dm)
  delta = stationary(Gamma) # stationary
  mu = theta.star[3:4]
  sigma = exp(theta.star[5:6])
  # calculate all state-dependent probabilities
  allprobs = matrix(1, length(x), 2)
  for(j in 1:2){ allprobs[,j] = dnorm(x, mu[j], sigma[j]) }
  # return negative for minimization
  -forward_s(delta, Gamma, allprobs, sizes)

## fitting an HSMM to the data
theta.star = c(log(5), log(10), 1, 4, log(2), log(2))
mod = nlm(mllk, theta.star, x = x, sizes = c(20, 30), stepmax = 5)

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