data = trex[1:1000,] # subset
# initial parameter list
par = list(logmu = log(c(0.3, 1)), # step mean
logsigma = log(c(0.2, 0.7)), # step sd
beta0 = c(-2,-2), # state process intercept
betaspline = matrix(rep(0, 18), nrow = 2)) # state process spline coefs
# data object with initial penalty strength lambda
dat = list(step = data$step, # step length
tod = data$tod, # time of day covariate
N = 2, # number of states
lambda = rep(10,2)) # initial penalty strength
# building model matrices
modmat = make_matrices(~ s(tod, bs = "cp"),
data = data.frame(tod = 1:24),
knots = list(tod = c(0,24))) # wrapping points
dat$Z = modmat$Z # spline design matrix
dat$S = modmat$S # penalty matrix
# penalised negative log-likelihood function
pnll = function(par) {
getAll(par, dat) # makes everything contained available without $
Gamma = tpm_g(Z, cbind(beta0, betaspline), ad = TRUE) # transition probabilities
delta = stationary_p(Gamma, t = 1, ad = TRUE) # initial distribution
mu = exp(logmu) # step mean
sigma = exp(logsigma) # step sd
# calculating all state-dependent densities
allprobs = matrix(1, nrow = length(step), ncol = N)
ind = which(! # only for non-NA obs.
for(j in 1:N) allprobs[ind,j] = dgamma2(step[ind],mu[j],sigma[j])
-forward_g(delta, Gamma[,,tod], allprobs) +
penalty(betaspline, S, lambda) # this does all the penalization work
# model fitting
mod = qreml(pnll, par, dat, random = "betaspline")
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