Smoothes a temperature time series uses a Kalman filter/ smoother.
temp.kalman(wtr, watts, ampH=1, ...)
a smoothed temperature time series
Vector (regular time series) of water temperature in degrees C
estimate of watts entering the layer at each time step, from
factor by which to artificially amplify the observation error variance, H
parameters to be passed to optim
Ryan Batt
basic model process is x[t] = beta*x[t-1] + c1*watts[t-1]
Batt, Ryan D. and Stephen R. Carpenter. 2012. Free-water lake metabolism: addressing noisy time series with a Kalman filter. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 10: 20-30. doi: 10.4319/lom.2012.10.20 metab.kalman