Warner 1960 Social Class Data
Data comes from Warner, Meeker, and Eels (1960) and is a multidimensional scale of composite scores of social class.Format
The format is:
num [1:6, 1:6] 1 0.87 0.76 0.71 0.7 0.77 0.87 1 0.82 0.81 ...Source
Bentler, PM (1972). "A Lower-Bound Method for the Dimension-Free Measurement of Internal Consistency" 1(4), 343-357.Details
The components were averaged and then the averages were used for the covariance matrix. The factors are: occupation, amount of income, source of income, house type, dwelling area, and education. These data have been used by Bentler (1972) to show the stark difference between alpha and the glb.References
Warner WL, Meeker M, and Eels K. (1960), "Social Class in America" Harper and Row:New York.