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Laurae (version

CRTreeForest: Complete-Random Tree Forest implementation in R


This function attempts to replicate Complete-Random Tree Forests using xgboost. It performs Random Forest n_forest times using n_trees trees. You can specify your learning objective using objective and the metric to check for using eval_metric. You can plug custom objectives instead of the objectives provided by xgboost. As with any uncalibrated machine learning methods, this method suffers uncalibrated outputs. Therefore, the usage of scale-dependent metrics is discouraged (please use scale-invariant metrics, such as Accuracy, AUC, R-squared, Spearman correlation...).


CRTreeForest(training_data, validation_data, training_labels, validation_labels,
  folds, nthread = 1, lr = 1, training_start = NULL,
  validation_start = NULL, n_forest = 5, n_trees = 1000,
  random_forest = 0, seed = 0, objective = "reg:linear",
  eval_metric = Laurae::df_rmse, return_list = TRUE, multi_class = 2,
  verbose = " ", garbage = FALSE, work_dir = NULL)


Type: data.table. The training data.
Type: data.table. The validation data with labels to check for metric performance. Set to NULL if you want to use out of fold validation data instead of a custom validation data set.
Type: numeric vector. The training labels.
Type: numeric vector. The validation labels.
Type: list. The folds as list for cross-validation.
Type: numeric. The number of threads using for multithreading. 1 means singlethread (uses only one core). Higher may mean faster training if the memory overhead is not too large. Defaults to 1.
Type: numeric. The shrinkage affected to each tree to avoid overfitting. Defaults to 1, which means no adjustment.
Type: numeric vector. The initial training prediction labels. Set to NULL if you do not know what you are doing. Defaults to NULL.
Type: numeric vector. The initial validation prediction labels. Set to NULL if you do not know what you are doing. Defaults to NULL.
Type: numeric. The number of forest models to create for the Complete-Random Tree Forest. Defaults to 5.
Type: numeric. The number of trees per forest model to create for the Complete-Random Tree Forest. Defaults to 1000.
Type: numeric. The number of Random Forest in the forest. Defaults to 0.
Type: numeric. Random seed for reproducibility. Defaults to 0.
Type: character or function. The function which leads boosting loss. See xgboost::xgb.train. Defaults to "reg:linear".
Type: function. The function which evaluates boosting loss. Must take two arguments in the following order: preds, labels (they may be named in another way) and returns a metric. Defaults to Laurae::df_rmse.
Type: logical. Whether lists should be returned instead of concatenated frames for predictions. Defaults to TRUE.
Type: numeric. Defines the number of classes internally for whether you are doing multi class classification or not to use specific routines for multiclass problems when using return_list == FALSE. Defaults to 2, which is for regression and binary classification.
Type: character. Whether to print for training evaluation. Use "" for no printing (double quotes without space between quotes). Defaults to " " (double quotes with space between quotes.
Type: logical. Whether to perform garbage collect regularly. Defaults to FALSE.
Type: character, allowing concatenation with another character text (ex: "dev/tools/save_in_this_folder/" = add slash, or "dev/tools/save_here/prefix_" = don't add slash). The working directory to store models. If you provide a working directory, the models will be saved inside that directory (and all other models will get wiped if they are under the same names). It will lower severely the memory usage as the models will not be saved anymore in memory. Combined with garbage == TRUE, you achieve the lowest possible memory usage in this Deep Forest implementation. Defaults to NULL, which means store models in memory.


A data.table based on target.


For implementation details of Cascade Forest / Complete-Random Tree Forest / Multi-Grained Scanning / Deep Forest, check this: https://github.com/Microsoft/LightGBM/issues/331#issuecomment-283942390 by Laurae. Actually, this function creates a layer of a Cascade Forest. That layer is comprised of two possible elements: Complete-Random Tree Forests (using PFO mode: Probability Averaging + Full Height + Original training samples) and Random Forests. You may choose between them. Complete-Random Tree Forests in PFO mode are the best random learners inside the Complete-Random Tree Forest families (at least 50 Laurae recommends using xgboost or LightGBM on top of gcForest or Cascade Forest. See the rationale here: https://github.com/Microsoft/LightGBM/issues/331#issuecomment-284689795.


Run this code
## Not run: ------------------------------------
# # Load libraries
# library(data.table)
# library(Matrix)
# library(xgboost)
# # Create data
# data(agaricus.train, package = "lightgbm")
# data(agaricus.test, package = "lightgbm")
# agaricus_data_train <- data.table(as.matrix(agaricus.train$data))
# agaricus_data_test <- data.table(as.matrix(agaricus.test$data))
# agaricus_label_train <- agaricus.train$label
# agaricus_label_test <- agaricus.test$label
# folds <- Laurae::kfold(agaricus_label_train, 5)
# # Train a model (binary classification)
# model <- CRTreeForest(training_data = agaricus_data_train, # Training data
#                       validation_data = agaricus_data_test, # Validation data
#                       training_labels = agaricus_label_train, # Training labels
#                       validation_labels = agaricus_label_test, # Validation labels
#                       folds = folds, # Folds for cross-validation
#                       nthread = 1, # Change this to use more threads
#                       lr = 1, # Do not touch this unless you are expert
#                       training_start = NULL, # Do not touch this unless you are expert
#                       validation_start = NULL, # Do not touch this unless you are expert
#                       n_forest = 5, # Number of forest models
#                       n_trees = 10, # Number of trees per forest
#                       random_forest = 2, # We want only 2 random forest
#                       seed = 0,
#                       objective = "binary:logistic",
#                       eval_metric = Laurae::df_logloss,
#                       return_list = TRUE, # Set this to FALSE for a data.table output
#                       multi_class = 2, # Modify this for multiclass problems
#                       verbose = " ")
# # Attempt to perform fake multiclass problem
# agaricus_label_train[1:100] <- 2
# # Train a model (multiclass classification)
# model <- CRTreeForest(training_data = agaricus_data_train, # Training data
#                       validation_data = agaricus_data_test, # Validation data
#                       training_labels = agaricus_label_train, # Training labels
#                       validation_labels = agaricus_label_test, # Validation labels
#                       folds = folds, # Folds for cross-validation
#                       nthread = 1, # Change this to use more threads
#                       lr = 1, # Do not touch this unless you are expert
#                       training_start = NULL, # Do not touch this unless you are expert
#                       validation_start = NULL, # Do not touch this unless you are expert
#                       n_forest = 5, # Number of forest models
#                       n_trees = 10, # Number of trees per forest
#                       random_forest = 2, # We want only 2 random forest
#                       seed = 0,
#                       objective = "multi:softprob",
#                       eval_metric = Laurae::df_logloss,
#                       return_list = TRUE, # Set this to FALSE for a data.table output
#                       multi_class = 3, # Modify this for multiclass problems
#                       verbose = " ")
## ---------------------------------------------

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab