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lgbm.train: LightGBM Model Training


This function allows you to train a LightGBM model. It is recommended to have your x_train and x_val sets as data.table, and to use the development data.table version. To install data.table development version, please run in your R console: install.packages("data.table", type = "source", repos = "http://Rdatatable.github.io/data.table"). The speed increase to create the train and test files can exceed 1,000x over write.table in certain cases. To store evaluation metrics throughout the training, you MUST run this function with verbose = FALSE.


lgbm.train(y_train, x_train, bias_train = NA, y_val = NA, x_val = NA,
  x_test = NA, SVMLight = is(x_train, "dgCMatrix"), data_has_label = TRUE,
  NA_value = "na", lgbm_path = "path/to/LightGBM.exe",
  workingdir = getwd(), train_name = paste0("lgbm_train", ifelse(SVMLight,
  ".svm", ".csv")), val_name = paste0("lgbm_val", ifelse(SVMLight, ".svm",
  ".csv")), test_name = paste0("lgbm_test", ifelse(SVMLight, ".svm", ".csv")),
  init_score = ifelse(is.na(bias_train), NA, paste(train_name, ".weight", sep
  = "")), files_exist = FALSE, save_binary = FALSE,
  train_conf = "lgbm_train.conf", pred_conf = "lgbm_pred.conf",
  test_conf = "lgbm_test.conf", validation = ifelse(is.na(y_val), FALSE,
  TRUE), predictions = FALSE, predict_leaf_index = FALSE,
  output_preds = "lgbm_predict_result.txt",
  test_preds = "lgbm_predict_test.txt", verbose = TRUE,
  log_name = "lgbm_log.txt", full_quiet = FALSE, full_console = FALSE,
  importance = FALSE, output_model = "lgbm_model.txt", input_model = NA,
  num_threads = 2, histogram_pool_size = -1, is_sparse = TRUE,
  two_round = FALSE, application = "regression", learning_rate = 0.1,
  num_iterations = 10, early_stopping_rounds = NA, num_leaves = 127,
  min_data_in_leaf = 100, min_sum_hessian_in_leaf = 10, max_bin = 255,
  feature_fraction = 1, feature_fraction_seed = 2, bagging_fraction = 1,
  bagging_freq = 0, bagging_seed = 3, is_sigmoid = TRUE, sigmoid = 1,
  is_unbalance = FALSE, max_position = 20, label_gain = c(0, 1, 3, 7, 15,
  31, 63), metric = "l2", metric_freq = 1, is_training_metric = FALSE,
  ndcg_at = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), tree_learner = "serial",
  is_pre_partition = FALSE, data_random_seed = 1, num_machines = 1,
  local_listen_port = 12400, time_out = 120, machine_list_file = "")


Type: vector. The training labels.
Type: data.table (preferred), data.frame, or dgCMatrix (with SVMLight = TRUE). The training features. Not providing a data.frame results in at least 3x memory usage.
Type: numeric or vector of numerics. The initial weights of the training data. If a numeric is provided, then the weights are identical for all the training samples. Otherwise, use the vector as weights. Defaults to NA.
Type: vector. The validation labels. Defaults to NA. Unused when validation is TRUE.
Type: data.table (preferred), data.frame, or dgCMatrix (with SVMLight = TRUE). The validation features. Defaults to NA. Unused when validation is TRUE.
Type: data.table (preferred), data.frame, or dgCMatrix (with SVMLight = TRUE). The testing features, if necessary.
Type: boolean. Whether the input is a dgCMatrix to be output to SVMLight format. Setting this to TRUE enforces you must provide labels separately (in y_train) and headers will be ignored. This is default behavior of SVMLight format. Defaults to is(x_train, "dgCMatrix").
Type: boolean. Whether the training and validation data have labels or not. Do not modify this. Defaults to TRUE.
Type: numeric or character. What value replaces NAs. Use "na" if you want to specify "missing". It is not recommended to use something else, even by soemthing like a numeric value out of bounds (like -999 if all your values are greater than -999). You should change from the default "na" if they have a real numeric meaning. Defaults to "na".
Type: character. Where is stored LightGBM? Include only the folder to it. Defaults to 'path/to/LightGBM.exe'.
Type: character. The working directory used for LightGBM. Defaults to getwd().
Type: character. The name of the training data file for the model. Defaults to paste0('lgbm_train', ifelse(SVMLight, '.svm', '.csv')).
Type: character. The name of the testing data file for the model. Defaults to paste0('lgbm_val', ifelse(SVMLight, '.svm', '.csv')).
Type: character. The name of the testing data file for the model. Defaults to paste0('lgbm_test', ifelse(SVMLight, '.svm', '.csv')).
Type: string. The file name of initial (bias) training scores to start training LightGBM, which contains bias_train values. Defaults to ifelse(is.na(bias_train), NA, paste(train_name, ".weight", sep = "")), which means NA if bias_train is left default, else appends ".weight" extension to train_name name.
Type: boolean. Whether the training (and testing) files are already existing. It overwrites files if there are any existing. Defaults to FALSE.
Type: boolean. Whether data should be saved as binary files for faster load. The name takes automatically the name from the train_name and adds the extension ".bin". Defaults to FALSE.
Type: character. The name of the training configuration file for the model. Defaults to 'lgbm_train.conf'.
Type: character. The name of the prediction configuration file for the model. Defaults to 'lgbm_pred.conf'.
Type: character. The name of the testing prediction configuration file for the model. Defaults to 'lgbm_test.conf'.
Type: boolean. Whether LightGBM performs validation during the training, by outputting metrics for the validation data. Defaults to ifelse(is.na(y_val), FALSE, TRUE), which means if y_val is the default value (unfilled), validation is FALSE else TRUE. Multi-validation data is not supported yet.
Type: boolean. Should LightGBM compute predictions after training the model? Defaults to FALSE.
Type: boolean. When predictions is TRUE, should LightGBM predict leaf indexes? Defaults to FALSE. Largely recommended to keep it FALSE unless you know what you are doing.
Type: character. The file name of the prediction results for the model. Defaults to 'lgbm_predict_result.txt'. Original name is output_result.
Type: character. The file name of the prediction results for the model. Defaults to 'lgbm_predict_test.txt'.
Type: boolean/integer. Whether to print a lot of debug messages in the console or not. 0 is FALSE and 1 is TRUE. Defaults to TRUE. When set to FALSE, the model log is output to log_name which allows to get metric information from the log_name parameter!!!
Type: character. The logging (sink) file to output (like 'log.txt'). Defaults to 'lgbm_log.txt'.
Type: boolean. Whether file writing is quiet or not. When set to TRUE, the default printing is diverted to 'diverted_verbose.txt'. Combined with verbose = FALSE, the function is fully quiet. Defaults to FALSE.
Type: boolean. Whether a dedicated console should be visible. Defaults to FALSE.
Type: boolean. Should LightGBM perform feature importance? Defaults to FALSE.
Type: character. The file name of output model. Defaults to 'lgbm_model.txt'.
Type: character. The file name of input model. If defined, LightGBM will resume training from that file. You MUST user a different output_model file name if you define input_model. Otherwise, you are overwriting your model (and if your model cannot learn by stopping immediately at the beginning, you would LOSE your model). Defaults to NA.
Type: integer. The number of threads to run for LightGBM. It is recommended to not set it higher than the amount of physical cores in your computer. Defaults to 2. In virtualized environments, it can be better to set it to the maximum amount of threads allocated to the virtual machine (especially VirtualBox).
Type: integer. The maximum cache size (in MB) allocated for LightGBM histogram sketching. Values below 0 (like -1) means no limit. Defaults to -1.
Type: boolean. Whether sparse optimization is enabled. Do not set this to FALSE unless you want to see your model being underperforming or if you know what you are going to do. Defaults to TRUE.
Type: boolean. LightGBM maps data file to memory and load features from memory to maximize speed. If the data is too large to fit in memory, use TRUE. Defaults to FALSE.
Type: character. The label application to learn. Must be either 'regression', 'binary', or 'lambdarank'. Defaults to 'regression'.
Type: numeric. The shrinkage rate applied to each iteration. Lower values lowers overfitting speed, while higher values increases overfitting speed. Defaults to 0.1.
Type: integer. The number of boosting iterations LightGBM will perform. Defaults to 10.
Type: integer. The number of boosting iterations whose validation metric is lower than the best is required for LightGBM to automatically stop. Defaults to NA.
Type: integer. The number of leaves in one tree. Roughly, a recommended value is n^2 - 1, n being the theoretical depth if each tree were identical. Lower values lowers tree complexity, while higher values increases tree complexity. Defaults to 127.
Type: integer. Minimum number of data in one leaf. Higher values potentially decrease overfitting. Defaults to 100.
Type: numeric. Minimum sum of hessians in one leaf to allow a split. Higher values potentially decrease overfitting. Defaults to 10.0.
Type: integer. The maximum number of bins created per feature. Lower values potentially decrease overfitting. Defaults to 255.
Type: numeric (0, 1). Column subsampling percentage. For instance, 0.5 means selecting 50% of features randomly for each iteration. Lower values potentially decrease overfitting, while training faster. Defaults to 1.0.
Type: integer. Random starting seed for the column subsampling (feature_fraction). Defaults to 2.
Type: numeric (0, 1). Row subsampling percentage. For instance, 0.5 means selecting 50% of rows randomly for each iteration. Lower values potentially decrease overfitting, while training faster. Defaults to 1.0. Unused when bagging_freq is 0.
Type: integer. The frequency of row subsampling (bagging_fraction). Lower values potentially decrease overfitting, while training faster. Defaults to 0.
Type: integer. Random starting seed for the row subsampling (bagging_fraction). Defaults to 3.
Type: boolean. Whether to use a sigmoid transformation of raw predictions. Defaults to TRUE.
Type: numeric. "The sigmoid parameter". Defaults to 1.0.
Type: boolean. For binary classification, setting this to TRUE might be useful when the training data is unbalanced. Defaults to FALSE.
Type: integer. For lambdarank, optimize NDCG for that specific value. Defaults to 20.
Type: vector of integers. For lambdarank, relevant gain for labels. Defaults to c(0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63).
Type: character, or vector of characters. The metric to optimize. There are 6 available: 'l1' (absolute loss), 'l2' (squared loss), 'ndcg' (NDCG), 'auc' (AUC), 'binary_logloss' (logarithmic loss), and 'binary_error' (accuracy). Defaults to 'l2'. Use a vector of characters to pass multiple metrics.
Type: integer. The frequency to report the metric(s). Defaults to 1.
Type: boolean. Whether to report the training metric in addition to the validation metric. Defaults to FALSE.
Type: vector of integers. Evaluate NDCG metric at these values. Defaults to c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
Type: character. The type of learner use, between 'serial' (single machine tree learner), 'feature' (feature parallel tree learner), 'data' (data parallel tree learner). Defaults to 'serial'.
Type: boolean. Whether data is pre-partitioned for parallel learning. Defaults to FALSE.
Type: integer. Random starting seed for the parallel learner. Defaults to 1.
Type: integer. When using parallel learning, the number of machines to use. Defaults to 1.
Type: integer. The TCP listening port for the local machines. Allow this port in the firewall before training. 12400.
Type: integer. The socket time-out in minutes. Defaults to 120.
Type: character. The file that contains the machine list for parallel learning. A line in that file much correspond to one IP and one port for one machine, separated by space instead of a colon (:). Defaults to ''.


A list with the stored trained model (Model), the path (Path) of the trained model, the name (Name) of the trained model file, the LightGBM path (lgbm) which trained the model, the training file name (Train), the validation file name even if there were none provided (Valid), the testing file name even if there were none provided (Test), the validation predictions (Validation) if Predictions is set to TRUE with a validation set, the testing predictions (Testing) if Predictions is set to TRUE with a testing set, the name of the log file Log if verbose is set to FALSE, the log file content LogContent if verbose is set to FALSE, the metrics Metrics if verbose is set to FALSE, the best iteration (Best) if verbose is set to FALSE, the column names Columns if importance is set to TRUE, and the feature importance FeatureImp if importance is set to TRUE. Returns a character variable if LightGBM is not found under lgbm_path.


The most important parameters are lgbm_path and workingdir: they setup where LightGBM is and where temporary files are going to be stored. lgbm_path is the full path to LightGBM executable, and includes the executable name and file extension (like C:/Laurae/LightGBM/windows/x64/Release/LightGBM.exe). workingdir is the working directory for the temporary files for LightGBM. It creates a lot of necessary files to make LightGBM work (defined by output_model, output_preds, train_conf, train_name, val_name, pred_conf). train_conf, train_name, and val_name defines respectively the configuration file name, the train file name, and the validation file name. They are created under this name when files_exist is set to FALSE. Once you filled these variables (and if they were appropriate), you should fill y_train, x_train. If you need model validation, fill also y_val, x_val. y is your label (a vector), while x is your data.table (preferred) or a data.frame or a matrix. Then, you are up to choose what you want, including hyperparameters to verbosity control. To get the metric table, you MUST use verbose = FALSE. It cannot be fetched without. sink() does not work. If for some reason you lose the ability to print in the console, run sink() in the console several times until you get an error.


Run this code
## Not run: ------------------------------------
# # Simple LightGBM model.
# library(Laurae)
# library(stringi)
# library(Matrix)
# library(sparsity)
# library(data.table)
# setwd("C:/LightGBM/temp") # DIRECTORY FOR TEMP FILES
# DT <- data.table(Split1 = c(rep(0, 50), rep(1, 50)),
#                  Split2 = rep(c(rep(0, 25), rep(0.5, 25)), 2))
# DT$Split3 <- rep(c(rep(0, 10), rep(0.25, 15)), 4)
# DT$Split4 <- rep(c(rep(0, 5), rep(0.1, 5), rep(0, 5), rep(0.1, 10)), 4)
# DT$Split5 <- rep(c(rep(0, 5), rep(0.05, 5), rep(0, 10), rep(0.05, 5)), 4)
# label <- as.numeric((DT$Split2 == 0) & (DT$Split1 == 0) & (DT$Split3 == 0))
# trained <- lgbm.train(y_train = label,
#                       x_train = DT,
#                       bias_train = NA,
#                       application = "binary",
#                       num_iterations = 1,
#                       early_stopping_rounds = 1,
#                       learning_rate = 5,
#                       num_leaves = 16,
#                       min_data_in_leaf = 1,
#                       min_sum_hessian_in_leaf = 1,
#                       tree_learner = "serial",
#                       num_threads = 1,
#                       lgbm_path = "C:/LightGBM/windows/x64/Release/lightgbm.exe",
#                       workingdir = getwd(),
#                       validation = FALSE,
#                       files_exist = FALSE,
#                       verbose = TRUE,
#                       is_training_metric = TRUE,
#                       save_binary = TRUE,
#                       metric = "binary_logloss")
## ---------------------------------------------

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab