Sets up a recurring or one-time funds transfer. The investor must have already setup the bank account from which the funds are transferred. Transfers can one-time or recurring.
lc_AddFunds(amount, freq = "LOAD_NOW", start = NULL, end = NULL,
quiet = T, LC_CRED = NULL)
Numeric. Amount to be transferred
String. Frequency of transfers. Optional. The default value is LOAD_NOW so if a value is not supplied the transfer will be processed immediately. If a value is supplied, it must me one of:
LOAD_NOW (default)
String. Defaults to NULL and is not required for immediate transfers. For future transfers, the date must be a string formatted as YYYY/MM/DD.
String. Defaults to NULL and is not required for immediate transfers. For future transfers, the date must be a string formatted as YYYY/MM/DD.
Should the response be printed to the console
Credential object having class LendingClub_credential. This object can be created using the lc_MakeCredential()
function. You can pass the object directly as an argument to the function or alternatively, it can be read from the global environment if it was stored as "LC_CRED".