These functions internally called by other functions in the package LncPath
and not meant to be called by the user.
rw(W, p0, gamma)
RandomWalk2igraph(igraphM, VertexWeight, EdgeWeight = TRUE, gamma = 0.7)
lncPath.HeatMapPlot(V, row.names = F, col.labels, col.classes,
col.names = F, main = " ", xlab = " ", ylab = " ")
lncPath.EnrichmentScore(gene.list, gene.set, weighted.score.type = 1,
correl.vector = NULL)
lncPath.EnrichmentScore2(gene.list, gene.set, weighted.score.type = 1,
correl.vector = NULL)
calT(inData, classLabel)
calFD(inData, classLabel)