Specify key result accumulation parameters: Treatment t-Factor, Outcome Y-variable, faclev setting, scedasticity assumption, and name of the UPSgraph() data accumulation object.
UPSaccum(envir, dframe, trtm, yvar, faclev = 3, scedas = "homo")
name of the working local control classic environment.
Name of data.frame containing the X, t & Y variables.
Name of treatment factor variable.
Name of outcome Y variable.
Maximum number of different numerical values an outcome variable can assume without automatically being converted into a "factor" variable; faclev=1 causes a binary indicator to be treated as a continuous variable determining an average or proportion.
Scedasticity assumption: "homo" or "hete"
hiclusName of a diana, agnes or hclust object created by UPShclus().
dframeName of data.frame containing the X, t & Y variables.
trtmName of treatment factor variable.
yvarName of outcome Y variable.
faclevMaximum number of different numerical values an outcome variable can assume without automatically being converted into a "factor" variable; faclev=1 causes a binary indicator to be treated as a continuous variable determining a proportion.
scedasScedasticity assumption: "homo" or "hete"
accobjName of the object for accumulation of I-plots to be ultimately displayed using UPSgraph().
nnymaxMaximum NN LTD Standard Error observed; Upper NN plot limit; initialized to zero.
nnxminMinimum NN LTD observed; Left NN plot limit; initialized to zero.
nnxmaxMaximum NN LTD observed; Right NN plot limit; initialized to zero.
The second phase in an Unsupervised Propensity Scoring analysis is to prepare to accumulate results over a wide range of values for "Number of Clusters." As the number of such clusters increases, individual clusters will tend to become smaller and smaller and, thus, more and more compact in covariate X-space.
Obenchain RL. (2004) Unsupervised Propensity Scoring: NN and IV Plots. Proceedings of the American Statistical Association (on CD) 8 pages.
Obenchain RL. (2011) USPSinR.pdf USPS R-package vignette, 40 pages.