Data collected over a 24 year study suitable for competing risks survival analysis of hypertension and death as a function of smoking.
A data frame with 2316 rows and 11 columns:
Sex of the patient. 1=female, 0=male.
Total cholesterol of patient at study entry.
Age of the patient at study entry.
Patient body mass index.
Average units of systolic and diastolic blood pressure above normal: ((SystolicBP-120)/2) + (DiasystolicBP-80)
Patient heartrate taken at study entry.
Patient blood glucose level.
Whether or not the patient was a smoker at the time of study entry.
Did the patient die, experience hypertension, or leave the study without experiencing either event.
The time at which the patient experienced outcome.
Number of cigarettes smoked per day at time of study entry.
Dawber TR, Meadors GF, Moore FE Jr. Epidemiological approaches to heart disease: the Framingham Study. Am J Public Health Nations Health. 1951;41(3):279-281.
Teaching Datasets - Public Use Datasets.