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LocalControl (version 1.1.4)

UPSgraph: Display Sensitivity Analysis Graphic in Unsupervised Propensiy Scoring


Plot summary of results from multiple calls to UPSnnltd() and/or UPSivadj() after an initial setup call to UPSaccum(). The UPSgraph() plot displays any sensitivity of the LTD and LOA Distributions to choice of Number of Clusters in X-space.


UPSgraph(envir, nncol = "red", nwcol = "green3", ivcol = "blue", ...)



name of the working local control classic environment.


optional; string specifying color for display of the Mean of the LTD distribution when weighted by cluster size from any calls to UPSnnltd().


optional; string specifying color for display of the Mean of the LTD distribution when weighted inversely proportional to variance from any calls to UPSnnltd().


optional; string specifying color for display of the Difference in LOA predictions, at PS = 100% minus that at PS = 0%, from any calls to UPSivadj().


Additional arguments to pass to the plotting function.


Bob Obenchain <wizbob@att.net>


The third phase of Unsupervised Propensity Scoring is a graphical Sensitivity Analysis that depicts how the Overall Means of the LTD and LOA distributions change with the number of clusters.


  • Kaufman L, Rousseeuw PJ. (1990) Finding Groups in Data. An Introduction to Cluster Analysis. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

  • Obenchain RL. (2004) Unsupervised Propensity Scoring: NN and IV Plots. Proceedings of the American Statistical Association (on CD) 8 pages.

  • Obenchain RL. (2011) USPSinR.pdf USPS R-package vignette, 40 pages.

  • Rubin DB. (1980) Bias reduction using Mahalanobis metric matching. Biometrics 36: 293-298.

See Also

UPSnnltd, UPSivadj and UPSaccum.