Measurements related to happiness and well-being for 143 countries.
A dataset with 143 observations on the following 11 variables.
Country |
Name of country |
Region |
Three-digit country code |
Happiness |
Score on a 0-10 scale for average level of happiness (10 is happiest) |
LifeExpectancy |
Average life expectancy (in years) |
Footprint |
Ecological footprint - a measure of the (per capita) ecological impact |
Happy Life Years - combines life expectancy with well-being |
Happy Planet Index (0-100 scale) |
HPIRank |
HPI rank for the country |
GDPperCapita |
Gross Domestic Product (per capita) |
Human Development Index |
Population |
Population (in millions) |
Data for 143 countries from the Happy Planet Index Project that works to quantify indicators of happiness, well-being, and ecological footprint at a country level.
Marks, N., "The Happy Planet Index",, August 29, 2010.