Information for 136 movies released from Hollywood in 2011.
A dataset with 136 observations on the following 14 variables.
Movie |
Title of movie |
LeadStudio |
Studio that released the movie |
RottenTomatoes |
Rotten Tomatoes rating (reviewers) |
AudienceScore |
Audience rating (via Rotten Tomatoes) |
Story |
General theme - one of 21 themes |
Genre |
Type of movie: Action , Adventure , Animation , Comedy , Drama, Fantasy , |
Horror , Romance , or Thriller |
TheatersOpenWeek |
Number of screens for opening weekend |
BOAverageOpenWeek |
Average box office income per theater - opening weekend |
DomesticGross |
Gross income for domestic viewers (in millions) |
ForeignGross |
Gross income for foreign viewers (in millions) |
WorldGross |
Gross income for all viewers (in millions) |
Budget |
Productoin budge (in millions) |
Profitability |
WorldGross/Budget |
OpeningWeekend |
Opening weekend gross (in millions) |
There were 136 movies that came out of Hollywood in 2011. The data were compiled late in 2011 so they reflect results as of December 2011.