This function computes the matrix \(\hat{A}\) of the smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimator
A matrix
equals \(\hat{A}\) of the smoothed log-concave maximum
likelihood estimator
Object of class "LogConcDEAD"
(typically output from
Yining Chen
Madeleine Cule
Robert Gramacy
Richard Samworth
This function evaluates the the matrix \(\hat{A}\) of the smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimator, which is positive definite, and equals the difference between the sample covariance matrix and the covariance matrix of the fitted log-concave maximum likelihood density estimator.
For examples, see mlelcd
Chen, Y. and Samworth, R. J. (2013) Smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimation with applications Statist. Sinica, 23, 1373-1398.