## Some simple normal data, and a few plots
x <- matrix(rnorm(200),ncol=2)
lcd <- mlelcd(x)
g <- interplcd(lcd)
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1,1))
par(mfrow=c(2,2), ask=TRUE)
plot(lcd, g=g, type="c")
plot(lcd, g=g, type="c", uselog=TRUE)
plot(lcd, g=g, type="i")
plot(lcd, g=g, type="i", uselog=TRUE)
## 2D interactive plot (need rgl package, not run here)
if(interactive()) {plot(lcd, type="r")}
## Some plots of marginal estimates
g.marg1 <- interpmarglcd(lcd, marg=1)
g.marg2 <- interpmarglcd(lcd, marg=2)
plot(lcd, marg=1, g.marg=g.marg1)
plot(lcd, marg=2, g.marg=g.marg2)
## generate some points from the fitted density
## via independent rejection sampling
generated1 <- rlcd(100, lcd)
## via Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
generated2 <- rlcd(100, lcd, "MH")
## evaluate the fitted density
mypoint <- c(0, 0)
dlcd(mypoint, lcd, uselog=FALSE)
mypoint <- c(1, 0)
dlcd(mypoint, lcd, uselog=FALSE)
## evaluate the marginal density
dmarglcd(0, lcd, marg=1)
dmarglcd(1, lcd, marg=2)
## evaluate the covariance matrix of the fitted density
covariance <- cov.LogConcDEAD(lcd)
## find the hat matrix for the smoothed log-concave that
## matches empirical mean and covariance
A <- hatA(lcd)
## evaluate the fitted smoothed log-concave density
mypoint <- c(0, 0)
dslcd(mypoint, lcd, A)
mypoint <- c(1, 0)
dslcd(mypoint, lcd, A)
## generate some points from the fitted smoothed log-concave density
generated <- rslcd(100, lcd, A)
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