## Load example data
data(ExampleData.DeValues, envir = environment())
# (1) Apply the minimum age model with minimum required parameters.
# By default, this will apply the un-logged 3-parameter MAM.
calc_MinDose(data = ExampleData.DeValues$CA1, sigmab = 0.1)
if (FALSE) {
# (2) Re-run the model, but save results to a variable and turn
# plotting of the log-likelihood profiles off.
mam <- calc_MinDose(data = ExampleData.DeValues$CA1,
sigmab = 0.1,
plot = FALSE)
# Show structure of the RLum.Results object
# Show summary table that contains the most relevant results
res <- get_RLum(mam, "summary")
# Plot the log likelihood profiles retroactively, because before
# we set plot = FALSE
# Plot the dose distribution in an abanico plot and draw a line
# at the minimum dose estimate
plot_AbanicoPlot(data = ExampleData.DeValues$CA1,
main = "3-parameter Minimum Age Model",
line = mam,polygon.col = "none",
hist = TRUE,
rug = TRUE,
summary = c("n", "mean", "mean.weighted", "median", "in.ci"),
centrality = res$de,
line.col = "red",
grid.col = "none",
line.label = paste0(round(res$de, 1), "\U00B1",
round(res$de_err, 1), " Gy"),
bw = 0.1,
ylim = c(-25, 18),
summary.pos = "topleft",
mtext = bquote("Parameters: " ~
sigma[b] == .(get_RLum(mam, "args")$sigmab) ~ ", " ~
gamma == .(round(log(res$de), 1)) ~ ", " ~
sigma == .(round(res$sig, 1)) ~ ", " ~
rho == .(round(res$p0, 2))))
# (3) Run the minimum age model with bootstrap
# NOTE: Bootstrapping is computationally intensive
# (3.1) run the minimum age model with default values for bootstrapping
calc_MinDose(data = ExampleData.DeValues$CA1,
sigmab = 0.15,
bootstrap = TRUE)
# (3.2) Bootstrap control parameters
mam <- calc_MinDose(data = ExampleData.DeValues$CA1,
sigmab = 0.15,
bootstrap = TRUE,
bs.M = 300,
bs.N = 500,
bs.h = 4,
sigmab.sd = 0.06,
plot = FALSE)
# Plot the results
# save bootstrap results in a separate variable
bs <- get_RLum(mam, "bootstrap")
# show structure of the bootstrap results
str(bs, max.level = 2, give.attr = FALSE)
# print summary of minimum dose and likelihood pairs
# Show polynomial fits of the bootstrap pairs
# Plot various statistics of the fit using the generic plot() function
plot(bs$poly.fits$poly.three, ask = FALSE)
# Show the fitted values of the polynomials
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