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Luminescence (version 0.9.23)

extract_IrradiationTimes: Extract Irradiation Times from an XSYG-file


Extracts irradiation times, dose and times since last irradiation, from a Freiberg Instruments XSYG-file. These information can be further used to update an existing BINX-file.


  recordType = c("irradiation (NA)", "IRSL (UVVIS)", "OSL (UVVIS)", "TL (UVVIS)"),
  compatibility.mode = TRUE,
  txtProgressBar = TRUE


An RLum.Results object is returned with the following structure:

.. $irr.times (data.frame)

If a BINX-file path and name is set, the output will be additionally transferred into a new BINX-file with the function name as suffix. For the output the path of the input BINX-file itself is used. Note that this will not work if the input object is a file path to an XSYG-file, instead of a link to only one file. In this case the argument input for file.BINX is ignored.

In the self call mode (input is a list of RLum.Analysis objects a list of RLum.Results is returned.



character, RLum.Analysis or list (required): path and file name of the XSYG file or an RLum.Analysis produced by the function read_XSYG2R; alternatively a list of RLum.Analysis can be provided.

Note: If an RLum.Analysis is used, any input for the arguments file.BINX and recordType will be ignored!


character (optional): path and file name of an existing BINX-file. If a file name is provided the file will be updated with the information from the XSYG file in the same folder as the original BINX-file.

Note: The XSYG and the BINX-file have to be originate from the same measurement!


character (with default): select relevant curves types from the XSYG file or RLum.Analysis object. As the XSYG-file format comprises much more information than usually needed for routine data analysis and allowed in the BINX-file format, only the relevant curves are selected by using the function get_RLum. The argument recordType works as described for this function.

Note: A wrong selection will causes a function error. Please change this argument only if you have reasons to do so.


logical (with default): this option is parsed only if a BIN/BINX file is produced and it will reset all position values to a max. value of 48, cf.write_R2BIN


logical (with default): enables TRUE or disables FALSE the progression bars during import and export

Function version


How to cite

Kreutzer, S., 2023. extract_IrradiationTimes(): Extract Irradiation Times from an XSYG-file. Function version 0.3.3. In: Kreutzer, S., Burow, C., Dietze, M., Fuchs, M.C., Schmidt, C., Fischer, M., Friedrich, J., Mercier, N., Philippe, A., Riedesel, S., Autzen, M., Mittelstrass, D., Gray, H.J., Galharret, J., 2023. Luminescence: Comprehensive Luminescence Dating Data Analysis. R package version 0.9.23. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=Luminescence


Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany) , RLum Developer Team


The function was written to compensate missing information in the BINX-file output of Freiberg Instruments lexsyg readers. As all information are available within the XSYG-file anyway, these information can be extracted and used for further analysis or/and to stored in a new BINX-file, which can be further used by other software, e.g., Analyst (Geoff Duller).

Typical application example: g-value estimation from fading measurements using the Analyst or any other self written script.

Beside the some simple data transformation steps the function applies the functions read_XSYG2R, read_BIN2R, write_R2BIN for data import and export.


Duller, G.A.T., 2015. The Analyst software package for luminescence data: overview and recent improvements. Ancient TL 33, 35-42.

See Also

RLum.Analysis, RLum.Results, Risoe.BINfileData, read_XSYG2R, read_BIN2R, write_R2BIN


Run this code
## (1) - example for your own data
## set files and run function
#   file.XSYG <- file.choose()
#   file.BINX <- file.choose()
#     output <- extract_IrradiationTimes(file.XSYG = file.XSYG, file.BINX = file.BINX)
#     get_RLum(output)
## export results additionally to a CSV.file in the same directory as the XSYG-file
#       write.table(x = get_RLum(output),
#                   file = paste0(file.BINX,"_extract_IrradiationTimes.csv"),
#                   sep = ";",
#                   row.names = FALSE)

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