## (1) Method using the DRAC spreadsheet
file <- "/PATH/TO/DRAC_Input_Template.csv"
# send the actual IO template spreadsheet to DRAC
if (FALSE) {
use_DRAC(file = file)
## (2) Method using an R template object
# Create a template
input <- template_DRAC(preset = "DRAC-example_quartz")
# Fill the template with values
input$`Project ID` <- "DRAC-Example"
input$`Sample ID` <- "Quartz"
input$`Conversion factors` <- "AdamiecAitken1998"
input$`External U (ppm)` <- 3.4
input$`errExternal U (ppm)` <- 0.51
input$`External Th (ppm)` <- 14.47
input$`errExternal Th (ppm)` <- 1.69
input$`External K (%)` <- 1.2
input$`errExternal K (%)` <- 0.14
input$`Calculate external Rb from K conc?` <- "N"
input$`Calculate internal Rb from K conc?` <- "N"
input$`Scale gammadoserate at shallow depths?` <- "N"
input$`Grain size min (microns)` <- 90
input$`Grain size max (microns)` <- 125
input$`Water content ((wet weight - dry weight)/dry weight) %` <- 5
input$`errWater content %` <- 2
input$`Depth (m)` <- 2.2
input$`errDepth (m)` <- 0.22
input$`Overburden density (g cm-3)` <- 1.8
input$`errOverburden density (g cm-3)` <- 0.1
input$`Latitude (decimal degrees)` <- 30.0000
input$`Longitude (decimal degrees)` <- 70.0000
input$`Altitude (m)` <- 150
input$`De (Gy)` <- 20
input$`errDe (Gy)` <- 0.2
# use DRAC
if (FALSE) {
output <- use_DRAC(input)
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