## Load example data
data("ExampleData.Fading", envir = environment())
## Get fading measurement data of the IR50 signal
IR50_fading <- ExampleData.Fading$fading.data$IR50
## Determine g-value and rho' for the IR50 signal
IR50_fading.res <- analyse_FadingMeasurement(IR50_fading)
## Show g-value and rho' results
gval <- get_RLum(IR50_fading.res)
rhop <- get_RLum(IR50_fading.res, "rho_prime")
## Get LxTx values of the IR50 DE measurement
IR50_De.LxTx <- ExampleData.Fading$equivalentDose.data$IR50
## Calculate the De of the IR50 signal
IR50_De <- fit_DoseResponseCurve(IR50_De.LxTx,
mode = "interpolation",
fit.method = "EXP")
## Extract the calculated De and its error
IR50_De.res <- get_RLum(IR50_De)
De <- c(IR50_De.res$De, IR50_De.res$De.Error)
## Apply fading correction (age conversion greatly simplified)
IR50_Age <- De / 7.00
IR50_Age.corr <- calc_FadingCorr(IR50_Age, g_value = IR50_fading.res)
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