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Luminescence (version 1.0.0)

calc_IEU: Apply the internal-external-uncertainty (IEU) model after Thomsen et al. (2007) to a given De distribution


Function to calculate the IEU De for a De data set.


calc_IEU(data, a, b, interval, decimal.point = 2, plot = TRUE, ...)


Returns a plot (optional) and terminal output. In addition an RLum.Results object is returned containing the following elements:


data.frame summary of all relevant model results.


data.frame original input data


list used arguments


call the function call


list a list of data frames containing all calculation tables

The output should be accessed using the function get_RLum.



RLum.Results or data.frame (required): for data.frame: two columns with De (data[,1]) and De error (values[,2])


numeric (required): slope


numeric (required): intercept


numeric (required): fixed interval (e.g. 5 Gy) used for iteration of Dbar, from the mean to Lowest.De used to create Graph.IEU [Dbar.Fixed vs Z]


numeric (with default): number of decimal points for rounding calculations (e.g. 2)


logical (with default): enable/disable the plot output.


further arguments (trace, verbose).

Function version


How to cite

Smedley, R.K., Colombo, M., 2025. calc_IEU(): Apply the internal-external-uncertainty (IEU) model after Thomsen et al. (2007) to a given De distribution. Function version 0.1.1. In: Kreutzer, S., Burow, C., Dietze, M., Fuchs, M.C., Schmidt, C., Fischer, M., Friedrich, J., Mercier, N., Philippe, A., Riedesel, S., Autzen, M., Mittelstrass, D., Gray, H.J., Galharret, J., Colombo, M., Steinbuch, L., Boer, A.d., 2025. Luminescence: Comprehensive Luminescence Dating Data Analysis. R package version 1.0.0. https://r-lum.github.io/Luminescence/


Rachel Smedley, Geography & Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth University (United Kingdom)
Based on an excel spreadsheet and accompanying macro written by Kristina Thomsen.
Marco Colombo, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany) , RLum Developer Team


This function uses the equations of Thomsen et al. (2007). The parameters a and b are estimated from dose-recovery experiments.


Smedley, R.K., 2015. A new R function for the Internal External Uncertainty (IEU) model. Ancient TL 33, 16-21.

Thomsen, K.J., Murray, A.S., Boetter-Jensen, L. & Kinahan, J., 2007. Determination of burial dose in incompletely bleached fluvial samples using single grains of quartz. Radiation Measurements 42, 370-379.

See Also

plot, calc_CommonDose, calc_CentralDose, calc_FiniteMixture, calc_FuchsLang2001, calc_MinDose


Run this code

## load data
data(ExampleData.DeValues, envir = environment())

## apply the IEU model
ieu <- calc_IEU(ExampleData.DeValues$CA1, a = 0.2, b = 1.9, interval = 1)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab