##calculation for two trap-depths with similar frequency factor for different temperatures
E <- c(1.66, 1.70)
s <- 1e+13
T <- 10:20
temp <- calc_ThermalLifetime(
E = E,
s = s,
T = T,
output_unit = "Ma"
graphics::contour(x = E, y = T, z = temp$lifetimes[1,,],
ylab = "Temperature [\u00B0C]",
xlab = "Trap depth [eV]",
main = "Thermal Lifetime Contour Plot"
mtext(side = 3, "(values quoted in Ma)")
##profiling of thermal life time for E and s and their standard error
E <- c(1.600, 0.003)
s <- c(1e+13,1e+011)
T <- 20
E = E,
s = s,
T = T,
profiling = TRUE,
output_unit = "Ma"
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