Learn R Programming

Luminescence (version 1.0.0)

extdata: Collection of External Data


Description and listing of data provided in the folder data/extdata



The R package Luminescence includes a number of raw data files, which are mostly used in the example sections of appropriate functions. They are also used internally for testing corresponding functions using the testthat package (see files in tests/testthat/) to ensure their operational reliability.


If the R package Luminescence is installed correctly the preferred way to access and use these data from within R is as follows:

system.file("extdata/<FILENAME>", package = "Luminescence")

Individual file descriptions


Type: raw measurement data
Device: Daybreak OSL/TL reader
Measurement date: unknown
Location: unknown
Provided by: unknown
Related R function(s): read_Daybreak2R()
Reference: unknown


Type: raw measurement data
Device: SUERC portable OSL reader
Measurement date: 19/05/2016
Location: Dormagen-Nievenheim, Germany
Provided by: Christoph Burow (University of Cologne)
Related R function(s): read_PSL2R()
Reference: unpublished
Additional information: Sample measured at an archaeological site near
Dormagen-Nievenheim (Germany) during a practical course on Luminescence dating in 2016.

>>QNL84_2_bleached.txt, QNL84_2_unbleached.txt<<

Type: Test data for exponential fits
Reference: Berger, G.W., Huntley, D.J., 1989. Test data for exponential fits. Ancient TL 7, 43-46.

>>STRB87_1_bleached.txt, STRB87_1_unbleached.txt<<

Type: Test data for exponential fits
Reference: Berger, G.W., Huntley, D.J., 1989. Test data for exponential fits. Ancient TL 7, 43-46.


Type: XSYG-file stump
**Info: ** XSYG-file with some basic curves to test functions
Reference: no reference available