##(1) plot dose-response curve for a dummy dataset
data(ExampleData.LxTxData, envir = environment())
fit <- fit_DoseResponseCurve(LxTxData)
##(1b) horizontal plot arrangement
layout(mat = matrix(c(1,1,2,3), ncol = 2))
plot_DoseResponseCurve(fit, plot_singlePanels = TRUE)
##(2) plot the dose-response curve with pdf output - uncomment to use
##pdf(file = "~/Dose_Response_Curve_Dummy.pdf", paper = "special")
##(3) plot the growth curve with pdf output - uncomment to use, single output
##pdf(file = "~/Dose_Response_Curve_Dummy.pdf", paper = "special")
plot_DoseResponseCurve(fit, plot_singlePanels = TRUE)
##(4) plot resulting function for given interval x
x <- seq(1,10000, by = 100)
x = x,
y = eval(fit$Formula),
type = "l"
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