## load data
data(ExampleData.DeValues, envir = environment())
ExampleData.DeValues <- convert_Second2Gray(ExampleData.DeValues$BT998,
dose.rate = c(0.0438,0.0019))
## plot histogram the easiest way
## plot histogram with some more modifications
rug = TRUE,
normal_curve = TRUE,
cex.global = 0.9,
pch = 2,
colour = c("grey", "black", "blue", "green"),
summary = c("n", "mean", "sdrel"),
summary.pos = "topleft",
main = "Histogram of De-values",
mtext = "Example data set",
ylab = c(expression(paste(D[e], " distribution")),
"Standard error"),
xlim = c(100, 250),
ylim = c(0, 0.1, 5, 20))
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