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Luminescence (version 1.0.0)

plot_RLum.Data.Image: Plot function for an RLum.Data.Image S4 class object


The function provides very basic plot functionality for image data of an RLum.Data.Image object. For more sophisticated plotting it is recommended to use other very powerful packages for image processing.

Details on the plot functions

Supported plot types:

plot.type = "plot.raster"

Uses the standard plot function of R graphics::image. If wanted, the image is enhanced, using the argument stretch. Possible values are hist, lin, and NULL. The latter does nothing. The argument useRaster = TRUE is used by default, but can be set to FALSE.

plot.type = "contour"

This uses the function graphics::contour


  frames = NULL,
  par.local = TRUE,
  plot.type = "plot.raster",


Returns a plot



RLum.Data.Image (required): S4 object of class RLum.Data.Image


numeric (optional): sets the frames to be set, by default all frames are plotted. Can be sequence of numbers, as long as the frame number is valid.


logical (with default): use local graphical parameters for plotting, e.g. the plot is shown in one column and one row. If par.local = FALSE global parameters are inherited.


character (with default): plot types. Supported types are plot.raster, contour


further arguments and graphical parameters that will be passed to the specific plot functions. Standard supported parameters are xlim, ylim, zlim, xlab, ylab, main, legend (TRUE or FALSE), col, cex, axes (TRUE or FALSE), zlim_image (adjust the z-scale over different images), stretch

Function version



Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany) , RLum Developer Team

How to cite

Kreutzer, S., 2025. plot_RLum.Data.Image(): Plot function for an RLum.Data.Image S4 class object. Function version 0.2.1. In: Kreutzer, S., Burow, C., Dietze, M., Fuchs, M.C., Schmidt, C., Fischer, M., Friedrich, J., Mercier, N., Philippe, A., Riedesel, S., Autzen, M., Mittelstrass, D., Gray, H.J., Galharret, J., Colombo, M., Steinbuch, L., Boer, A.d., 2025. Luminescence: Comprehensive Luminescence Dating Data Analysis. R package version 1.0.0. https://r-lum.github.io/Luminescence/

See Also

RLum.Data.Image, plot, plot_RLum, graphics::image, graphics::contour


Run this code

##load data
data(ExampleData.RLum.Data.Image, envir = environment())

##plot data

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab