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MAIT (version 1.6.0)

spectralTStudent: Extract significant features from a MAIT object for two classes


Function spectralTStudent takes a MAIT-class object and obtains which of the variables are significant given a p-value threshold when there only are two classes in the raw data. The parameters of the significant features can be printed to an output table (TRUE by default).


spectralTStudent(MAIT.object = NULL, pvalue = 0.05, p.adj = "none", printCSVfile = TRUE)


A MAIT-class object where function peakAggregation has already been applied. The output of the function is going to be an update of the same MAIT-class object.
P-value threshold. Variables having a p-value lower than this value is considered as a significant variable.
Character with the name of the posthoc method to be applied to correct the pvalues. The supported methods are that of the p.adjust function
Set to TRUE if an output table has to be produced. See function sigPeaksTable for more information.


A MAIT-class object containing the significant features of the scores slot of MAIT-class object used as an input.

See Also

spectralSigFeatures sigPeaksTable