Unevaluated expressions for (mixed) partial derivatives of fitness with respect to linear predictors for survival and fecundity.
Fitness (W) function for the Poisson-Weibull (PW) model.
First Partial derivative of fitness (d1W) with respect to survival (d1s) linear predictor for the Poisson-Weibull (PW) model.
First Partial derivative of fitness (d1W) with respect to fecundity (d1f) linear redictor for the Poisson-Weibull (PW) model.
Mixed third partial derivative of fitness (d3W) with 2nd derivative of survival linear predictor (d2s) and first derivative of fecundity linear predictor (d1f) from the Poisson-Weibull (PW) model.
and so on ...
Jarrod Hadfield j.hadfield@ed.ac.uk