Poly-3- adjusted point and variance estimates for long term carcinogenicity data
poly3est(time, status, tmax, method = "BP", k=NULL)
a numeric vector of times of death of the individuals
a logical (or numeric, consisting of 0,1 only) vector giving the tumour status at time of death of each individual, where TRUE (1) = tumour present, FALSE (0) = no tumour present
a single numeric vector, the final time of the trial
a single charcter string, specifying the method for adjustment, with options: "BP" (Bailer Portier: assuming poly-3-adjusted rates are binomial variables), "BW" (Bieler, Williams: delta method as in Bieler-Williams (1993)) "ADD1" (as Bailer Portier, including an add1-adjustment on the raw tumour rates) "ADD2" (as Bailer Portier, including an add2-adjustment on the raw tumour rates following Agresti Caffo (2000) for binomials)
a single numeric value, the exponent to calculate survival adjusted proportions according to Bailer and Portier (1988), defaults to 3
A list containing:
number of tumours
number of individuals
poly-3-adjusted rates according to Bailer, Portier (1988)
a vector of poly-3-adjusted weights, of length n
poly-3-adjusted rate (according to method)
adjusted n (sum of weights)
variance estimate (according to method)
variance estimate, if necessary corrected such that estimates of 0 can not occur
Bailer, J.A. and Portier, C.J. (1988): Effects of treatment-induced mortality and tumor-induced mortality on tests for carcinogenicity in small samples. Biometrics 44, 417-431.