PFN construction by parallelized edge screening.
compute.PFN.par(sortedEdge,Ng,maxENum,Njob,Ncore,max.skipEdges = NULL,
keep.track = TRUE,initial.links = NULL)
3-column matrix for the input edgelist (e.g. - correlation pair list). Must be sorted by third column, which is usually weight vector.
integer. number of genes included in sortedEdge.
Maximum number of edges to include in final PFN. The theoretical maximal number enforced by Euler's formula is 3(Ng-2).
Maximum number of edges to be counted before any valid edge to be included in PFN. This works as a termination condition to avoid exhaustive planarity testing over all edges provided in sortedEdge.
Number of edges to be passed to each core for parallelized edge screening.
Number of cores to utilize.
TRUE/FALSE logical. Indicate if the record of PFN construction is saved in temporary file "pfg_el.RData". Default is TRUE.
If provided, PFN construction will restart by regarding these initial.links as already-built PFN.
A 3-column matrices, where first two columns are integer indices for vertices, and third is the weight vector.
This is parallelized implementation of PFN construction, where it is possible to re-capture PFN construction by providing already computed edgelist into initial.links. Although provivded, this function itself may require careful caution and users are encouraged to use more user-friendly "calculate.PFN()" instead.