The linear transformation "L" is a simple rescaling to the range [0, 1].
The monotone transformation "M" performed is a zero-skew transformation
(Økland et al. 2001).
The deviation transformation "D" is performed around an optimum EV value that
is found by looking at frequency of presence (see plotFOP
Three deviation transformations are created with different steepness and
curvature around the optimum.
For spline transformations ("HF", "HR", and "T"), DVs are created around 20
different break points (knots) which span the range of the EV. Only DVs which
satisfy all of the following criteria are retained:
3 <=
knot <= 18 (DVs with knots at the extremes of the EV are never retained).
Chi-square test of the single-variable model from the given DV compared
to the null model gives a p-value < 0.05.
The single-variable model
from the given DV shows a local maximum in fraction of variation explained
(D^2, sensu Guisan & Zimmerman, 2000) compared to DVs from the neighboring 4
The models used in this pre-selection procedure may be maxent models
(algorithm="maxent") or standard logistic regression models (algorithm="LR").
For categorical variables, 1 binary derived variable (type "B") is created
for each category.
The maximum entropy algorithm ("maxent") --- which is implemented in
MIAmaxent as an infinitely-weighted logistic regression with presences added
to the background --- is conventionally used with presence-only occurrence
data. In contrast, standard logistic regression (algorithm = "LR"), is
conventionally used with presence-absence occurrence data.
Explanatory variables should be uniquely named. Underscores ('_') and colons
(':') are reserved to denote derived variables and interaction terms
respectively, and deriveVars
will replace these --- along with other
special characters --- with periods ('.').