powered by
A dataset from McDonald and Clelland (1984) reanalyzed by Bollen (1989) containing data on union sentiment of southern nonunion textile workers.
A data frame with 173 rows and 5 variables
deferenc. deference (submissiveness) to managers
laboract. support for labor activism
unionsen. sentiment towards unions
yrsmill. log of years spent in textile mill
age. centered age
Bollen, K. A. 1989. Structural Equations with Latent Variables. New York: Wiley
McDonald, A, J., & Clelland, D. A. (1984). Textile Workers and Union Sentiment. Social Forces, 63(2), 502<U+2013>521.
# NOT RUN { # } # NOT RUN { model <- ' unionsen ~ deferenc + laboract + yrsmill deferenc ~ age laboract ~ age + deferenc yrsmill ~~ age ' # } # NOT RUN { # }
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