## Generate some data
x <- rnorm(25, mean = 1)
x[sample(1:25, 5)] <- NA
y <- rnorm(20, mean = -1)
y[sample(1:20, 4)] <- NA
pair <- c(rnorm(25, mean = 1), rnorm(20, mean = -1))
g <- factor(c(rep("yes", 25), rep("no", 20)))
D <- data.frame(ID = 1:45, variable = c(x, y), pair = pair, group = g)
## Use Amelia to impute missing values
res <- amelia(D, m = 10, p2s = 0, idvars = "ID", noms = "group")
## Per protocol analysis (Welch two-sample t-test)
t.test(variable ~ group, data = D)
## Intention to treat analysis (Multiple Imputation Welch two-sample t-test)
mi.t.test(res$imputations, x = "variable", y = "group")
## Per protocol analysis (Two-sample t-test)
t.test(variable ~ group, data = D, var.equal = TRUE)
## Intention to treat analysis (Multiple Imputation two-sample t-test)
mi.t.test(res$imputations, x = "variable", y = "group", var.equal = TRUE)
## Specifying alternatives
mi.t.test(res$imputations, x = "variable", y = "group", alternative = "less")
mi.t.test(res$imputations, x = "variable", y = "group", alternative = "greater")
## One sample test
t.test(D$variable[D$group == "yes"])
mi.t.test(res$imputations, x = "variable", subset = D$group == "yes")
mi.t.test(res$imputations, x = "variable", mu = -1, subset = D$group == "yes",
alternative = "less")
mi.t.test(res$imputations, x = "variable", mu = -1, subset = D$group == "yes",
alternative = "greater")
## paired test
t.test(D$variable, D$pair, paired = TRUE)
mi.t.test(res$imputations, x = "variable", y = "pair", paired = TRUE)
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