method for class mnp
# S3 method for mnp
summary(object, CI = c(2.5, 97.5), ...)
yields an object of class summary.mnp
containing the following elements:
The call from mnp
The total number of alternatives.
The base category used for fitting.
The number of observations.
The number of estimated parameters.
The number of Gibbs draws used for the summary.
The summary of the posterior distribution of the coefficients.
The summary of the posterior distribution of the covariance matrix.
This object
can be printed by print.summary.mnp
An output object from mnp
A 2 dimensional vector of lower and upper bounds for the credible intervals used to summarize the results. The default is the equal tail 95 percent credible interval.
further arguments passed to or from other methods.
Kosuke Imai, Department of Government and Department of Statistics, Harvard University imai@Harvard.Edu