### Synthetic example
## This example describes the phyogeny of 7 species (A to G) in a tree with 6
## nodes, presented in Newick format, read by function
## read.tree of package ape.
t1 <- read.tree(text=paste(
t1 # Summary of the structure of the tree
x <- Phylo2DirectedGraph(t1)
## Calculate the (binary) influence matrix; E1 to E12 are the tree edges
## Edge E12 comes from the tree origin
## Building phylogenetic eigenvector maps
PEM1 <- PEM.build(x)
PEM2 <- PEM.build(x, a = 0.2)
PEM3 <- PEM.build(x, a = 1)
PEM4 <- PEM.updater(PEM3,a=0.5)
## Print summary statistics about PEM1
## Extract the eigenvectors (species A--G, 6 eigenvectors)
## Example of a made up set of trait values for the 7 species
y <- c(A=-1.1436265,B=-0.3186166,C=1.9364105,D=1.7164079,E=1.0013993,
## Estimate a single steepness parameter for the whole tree
PEMfs1 <- PEM.fitSimple(y=y, x=NULL, w=x, d="distance", sp="species",
lower=0, upper=1)
PEMfs1$optim # Optimisation results
## Force neutral evolution over the whole tree
PEMfrc1 <- PEM.forcedSimple(y=y,x=NULL,w=x,d="distance",sp="species",a=0)
PEMfrc1$x$edge$a # Steepness parameter forced on each individual edge
## Graph locations for target species X, Y, and Z not found in the original
## data set
tpAll <- read.tree(text=paste("((X:0.45,((A:0.15,B:0.2)N4:0.15,",
summary(tpAll) # Summary of the structure of the tree
grloc <- getGraphLocations(tpAll, c("X","Y","Z"))
PEMfs2 <- PEM.fitSimple(y=y, x=NULL, w=grloc$x, d="distance", sp="species",
lower=0, upper=1)
## Same as for PEMfs1$optim
## Get the PEM scores from the species graph locations:
PEMsc1 <- Locations2PEMscores(PEMfs2, grloc)
lm1 <- lm(y ~ V_2 + V_3 + V_5, data=PEMfs2)
## Making prdictions for the species in locations `grloc`
## using linear model `lm1`:
ypred <- predict(object=PEMfs2, targets=grloc, lmobject=lm1, interval="none")
## Removing species X, Y, and Z from the tree in `tpAll`:
tpModel <- drop.tip(tpAll, c("X","Y","Z"))
## Plot the results
plot(tpModel, show.tip.label=TRUE, show.node.label=TRUE, root.edge = TRUE,
srt = 0, adj=0.5, label.offset=0.08, font=1, cex=1.5, xpd=TRUE)
edgelabels(paste("E", 1:nrow(tpModel$edge), sep=""),
edge=1:nrow(tpModel$edge), bg="white", font=1, cex=1)
lines(x=c(0.20,0.20,0.65), y=c(2.25,0.55,0.55), xpd=TRUE, lty=2)
text("X",x=0.69, y=0.55, xpd=TRUE, font=1, cex=1.5)
points(x=0.35, y=4.5,pch=21,bg="black")
lines(x=c(0.35,0.35,0.6), y=c(4.5,5.47,5.47), xpd=TRUE, lty=2)
text("Y", x=0.64, y=5.47, xpd=TRUE, font=1, cex=1.5)
points(x=0.35, y=3, pch=21, bg="black")
lines(x=c(0.35,0.35,0.55), y=c(3,3.5,3.5), xpd=TRUE, lty=2)
text("Z", x=0.59, y=3.5, xpd=TRUE, font=1, cex=1.5)
text(c("NX","NY","NZ"), x=c(0.20,0.35,0.35), y=c(2.25,4.5,3)+0.3*c(1,-1,-1),
font=1, cex=1)
add.scale.bar(length=0.1, cex=1.25)
plot(x=y, y=1:7, ylim=c(0.45,7), xlim=c(-4,4), axes=FALSE, type="n", xlab="")
axis(1, label=c("-4","-2","0","2","4"), at=c(-4,-2,0,2,4))
## Plot the observed values
points(x=y, y=1:7, xlim=c(-2,2), pch=21, bg="black")
text("B)", x=-3.5, y=7, cex=1.5, xpd=TRUE)
text("Trait value", x=0, y=-0.5, cex=1.25, xpd=TRUE)
## Plot the predicted values
points(x=ypred, y=c(0.5,5.5,3.5), pch=23, bg="white", cex=1.25)
## Estimate the ancestral trait values
ANCloc <- getAncGraphLocations(x)
PEMfsAnc <- PEM.fitSimple(y=y, x=NULL, w=ANCloc$x, d="distance",
sp="species", lower=0, upper=1)
## Get the PEM scores from the species graph locations:
PEManc1 <- Locations2PEMscores(PEMfsAnc, ANCloc)
## Making predictions for the ancestral species whose locations are found in
## `ANCloc` using the linear model `lm1`:
y_anc <- predict(object=PEMfsAnc, targets=ANCloc, lmobject=lm1,
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