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MRIaggr (version 1.1.5)

init2_fMM: initialisation of the fMMalgo algorithm


Initialisation of the fMMalgo algorithm : initialisation the distribution parameters for each group and of the regularization parameters. For internal use.


init2_fMM(n, M, G, data, Id,
    formula_reg, Var_reg, offset_reg,family,
    formula_group, Var_group, intercept_group,
    prior_theta, prior_sigma, prior_proba, posterior_proba,
    test.GR, seed,
    test.ICM, Wweight_SR, prior_prevalenceICM, rho_max, rho_ICM,
    test.ICMregional, distance_ref, Wdist_LR, coords, threshold, nbGroup_min, multiV,
    iter_max, trace)
