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MSGLasso (version 2.1)

MSGLasso.cv: Fit the MSGLasso for a series sets of tuning parameters and use the k-fold cross validation to select the optimal tunning parameter set.


Fit the MSGLasso for a series sets of tuning parameters and use the k-fold cross validation to select the optimal tunning parameter set.


MSGLasso.cv(X, Y, grpWTs, Pen.L, Pen.G, PQgrps, GRgrps, lam1.v, lamG.v, fold = 10, seed = 1, Beta.ini = NULL, grp_Norm = NULL)


numeric predictor matrix (n by p): columns correspond to predictor variables and rows correspond to samples. Missing values are not allowed.
numeric predictor matrix (n by q): columns correspond to response variables and rows correspond to samples. Missing values are not allowed.
user specified adaptive group weighting matrix of g by r, for putting different penalization levels on different groups. Missing values are not allowed.
user specified single-entry level penalization indictor mateix of p by q. 1 for being penalized and 0 for not. Missing values are not allowed.
user specified group level penalization indictor mateix of g by r. 1 for being penalized and 0 for not. Missing values are not allowed.
the group attributing matrix of (p+q) by (gmax+1), where gmax is max number of different groups a single variable belongs to. Each row corresponds to a (predictor or response) varaible, and starts with group indexes the variable belongs to and followed by 999.
the variable attributing matrix of (g+r)*(cmax+1), where cmax is max number of variables a single group contains. Each row corresponds to a (predictor or response) group, and starts with variable indexes the group contains to and followed by 999.
lasso panelty parameter scaler.
group penalty parameter matrix (g by r).
a positive integer for the corss validation fold. Default=5.
a numeric scaler, specifying the seed of the random number generator in R for generating cross validation subset for each fold. Default=1.
a numeric matrix of p by q, specifying the starting values of the input Beta matrix for each fold. Default using the zero matrix.
a numeric matrix (g by r) containing starting L2 group norm values. Should be calculated from the Beta starting value matrix Beta.ini.


A list with two components:


Performs a k-fold cross-validation for seaching the optimal tunning parameter associated with the minimal prediction error on a two-dimensional grid.


Y. Li, B. Nan and J. Zhu (2015) Multivariate sparse group lasso for the multivariate multiple linear regression with an arbitrary group structure. Biometrics. DOI: 10.1111/biom.12292


Run this code

## Not run: 
# #####################################################
# # Simulate data
# #####################################################
# set.seed(sample(1:100,1))
# G.arr <- c(0,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20)
# data("Beta.m")
# ######## generate data set for model fitting
# simDataGen<-function(N, Beta, rho, s, G.arr, seed=1){
# P<-nrow(Beta)
# Q<-ncol(Beta)
# gsum<-0
# X.m<-NULL
# set.seed(seed)
# Sig<-matrix(0,P,P)
# jstart <-1
# for(g in 1:length(G.arr)-1){
# X.m<-cbind(X.m, matrix(rnorm(N*G.arr[g+1]),N,G.arr[g+1], byrow=TRUE))
# for(i in 2:P){ for(j in jstart: (i-1)){
#     Sig[i,j]<-rho^(abs(i-j))
#     Sig[j,i]<-Sig[i,j]
# }}
# jstart <- jstart + G.arr[g+1]
# }
# diag(Sig)<-1
# R<-chol(Sig)
# X.m<-X.m%*%R
# SVsum <-0
# for (q in 1:Q){SVsum <-SVsum+var(X.m %*% Beta[,q])}
# sdr =sqrt(s*SVsum/Q)
# E.m <- matrix(rnorm(N*Q,0,sdr),N, Q, byrow=TRUE)
# Y.m<-X.m%*%Beta+E.m
# return(list(X=X.m, Y=Y.m, E=E.m))
# }
# N <-150
# rho=0.5; 
# s=4;
# Data <- simDataGen(N, Beta.m,rho, s, G.arr, seed=sample(1:100,1))
# X.m<-Data$X
# Y.m<-Data$Y
# ################################################
# ## cross validation using the example data
# ################################################
# P <- dim(Beta.m)[1]
# Q <- dim(Beta.m)[2]
# G <- 10
# R <- 10
# gmax <- 1
# cmax <- 20
# GarrStarts <- c(0,20,40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180)
# GarrEnds <- c(19,39,59,79,99,119,139,159,179,199)
# RarrStarts <- c(0,20,40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180)
# RarrEnds <- c(19,39,59,79,99,119,139,159,179,199)
# tmp <- FindingPQGrps(P, Q, G, R, gmax, GarrStarts, GarrEnds, RarrStarts, RarrEnds)
# PQgrps <- tmp$PQgrps
# tmp1 <- Cal_grpWTs(P, Q, G, R, gmax, PQgrps)
# grpWTs <- tmp1$grpWTs
# tmp2 <- FindingGRGrps(P, Q, G, R, cmax, GarrStarts, GarrEnds, RarrStarts, RarrEnds)
# GRgrps <- tmp2$GRgrps
# Pen_L <- matrix(rep(1,P*Q),P,Q, byrow=TRUE)
# Pen_G <- matrix(rep(1,G*R),G,R, byrow=TRUE)
# grp_Norm0 <- matrix(rep(0, G*R), nrow=G, byrow=TRUE)
# lam1.v <- seq(1.0, 1.5, length=6) 
# lamG.v <- seq(0.19, 0.25, length=7) 
# try.cv<- MSGLasso.cv(X.m, Y.m, grpWTs, Pen_L, Pen_G, PQgrps, GRgrps, 
#    lam1.v, lamG.v, fold=5, seed=1)
# MSGLassolam1 <- try.cv$lams.c[which.min(as.vector(try.cv$rss.cv))][[1]]$lam1
# MSGLassolamG  <- try.cv$lams.c[which.min(as.vector(try.cv$rss.cv))][[1]]$lam3
# MSGLassolamG.m <- matrix(rep(MSGLassolamG, G*R),G,R,byrow=TRUE)
# system.time(try <-MSGLasso(X.m, Y.m, grpWTs, Pen_L, Pen_G, PQgrps, GRgrps, 
#     grp_Norm0, MSGLassolam1, MSGLassolamG.m, Beta0=NULL))
# ## End(Not run)

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