Perform the maximum likelihood estimation of a multivariate linear regression model with time-series errors
REGts(zt, p, xt, include.mean = T, fixed = NULL, par = NULL, se.par = NULL, details = F)
A T-by-k data matrix of a k-dimensional time series
The VAR order
A T-by-v data matrix of independent variables, where v denotes the number of independent variables (excluding constant 1).
A logical switch to include the constant term. Default is to include the constant term.
A logical matrix used to set parameters to zero
Initial parameter estimates of the beta coefficients, if any.
Standard errors of the parameters in par, if any.
A logical switch to control the output
The observed k-dimensional time series
The data matrix of independent variables
VAR order
Logical switch for the constant vector
The VAR coefficients
The standard errors of Phi coefficients
The regression coefficients
The standard errors of beta
The residual series
Residual covariance matrix
Parameter estimates, to be used in model simplification.
Standard errors of parameter estimates
Perform the maximum likelihood estimation of a multivariate linear regression model with time series errors. Use multivariate linear regression to obtain initial estimates of regression coefficients if not provided
Tsay (2014, Chapter 6). Multivariate Time Series Analysis with R and Financial Applications. John Wiley. Hoboken NJ.