Performs the conditional maximum likelihood estimation of a VMA model with selected lags in the model
VMAs(da, malags, include.mean = T, fixed = NULL, prelim = F, details = F, thres = 2)
A T-by-k matrix of a k-dimensional time series with T observations
A vector consisting of non-zero MA lags
A logical switch to include the mean vector
A logical matrix to fix coefficients to zero
A logical switch concerning initial estimation
A logical switch to control output level
A threshold value for setting coefficient estimates to zero
The observed time series
The VMA lags
A logical switch to include the mean vector
The parameter estimates
The standard errors of the estimates
Residual series
The information criteria of the fitted model
Residual covariance matrix
The VMA matrix polynomial
The mean vector
The VMA order
A modified version of VMA model by allowing the user to select non-zero MA lags
Tsay (2014, Chapter 3). Multivariate Time Series Analysis with R and Financial Applications. John Wiley. Hoboken, NJ.